Veterans Day
As you prepare for and/or participate in Veterans Day, know the true meaning behind this day and the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. While they both pay tribute and honor our military, each has its own significant purpose.
Memorial Day and Veterans Day honor the sacrifices of innumerable individuals who sacrificed themselves to preserve the freedoms all Americans enjoy, with Memorial Day remembering those who gave their lives, and Veterans Day honoring all who served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Veterans Day: Whilst most people know November 11 will be celebrated as a national holiday, how many possess shallow minded knowledge limited only to the free meals, discounts, deals and sales offered on this day? How many truly know the historical significance behind Veterans Day?
Today, Veterans Day honors the duty, sacrifice and service of America's nearly 25 million veterans of all wars. We should remember and celebrate those men and women. But lost in that worthy goal is the forgotten meaning of this day in history -- the meaning which Congress gave to Armistice Day in 1926: "to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations ... inviting the people of the United States to observe this day ... with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all peoples."
While there are various interpretations for the word veteran, saved for special recognition on Veterans Day is the 'veteran soldier'. This holiday pays honor and tribute to those who have served in our military & survived -
As Americans, we should NEVER forget the true meaning and significance of Veterans Day! In fact, every day should be saluted in recognition of our military!
See a soldier, thank a soldier!
Those on active duty today are our Veterans of tomorrow! 

Related Articles:
Meaning of Veterans Day
Veterans Day: The Forgotten Meaning
The Significance of Veterans Day
History of Veterans Day
A Message to Veterans
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