January 12 is...
National Marzipan Day
It's pretty...tasty( ?)
Take it or Leave it! Eat it or Play with it! Typical questions when confronted with the choice of marzipan. This sweet, yellowish paste of ground almonds, sugar or honey, and sometimes egg whites plays a big role during the festive period. Marzipan is like Play-doh being it is moldable, unlike Play-doh it is edible. It can be molded into sweets such as marzipan-filled chocolate and small marzipan imitations of fruits and vegetables, it is also commonly rolled into thin sheets and used as a glaze for icing cakes. It is also known to be shaped into small figurines. Chances are you’ve got a fair bit left over (including toppings of Christmas cakes and treats), and you're needing something to do with it. Time to get creative and clear out the Marzipan! Play with it or trash it!
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