Delaware, The First State; The Diamond State; Blue Hen State; Small Wonder
State Motto: "Liberty and Independence"
A Tidbit of Trivia...
Delaware was the home of the first American beauty pageant. The first bathing beauty pageant in which contestants competed for the title of “Miss United States”, a predecessor of the Miss America pageant, took place in Rehoboth Beach in 1880 as a way to attract business during its summer festival. Inventor Thomas Edison was one of the three judges of the beauty contest. It was not until the 20th century when beauty pageants began to become a regular occurrence.
How did Delaware get its name?
The name "Delaware" originates from the Delaware River and Bay, named in honor of Sir Thomas West (Lord De La Warr), governor of the English colony at Jamestown, Virginia in 1610.
The First State was designated as Delaware's official nickname in 2002 following a request by Mrs. Anabelle O'Malley's first grade class at Mt. Pleasant Elementary School. The Diamond State, according to legend, was so named by Thomas Jefferson who described Delaware as a "jewel" among states due to its strategic location on the Eastern Seaboard. The nickname Blue Hen State was given to Delaware after the fighting Blue Hen Cocks that were carried with the Delaware Revolutionary War Soldiers for entertainment during Cock fights. Small Wonder is reflective of Delaware due to its size, the contributions it has made to our country, and the breathtaking vistas provided by the Delaware Byways.
Visit the birthplace of the Star Spangled Banner and explore the sites where Harriet Tubman, Babe Ruth and the DuPont family made their marks on American history. Maryland and Delaware are two small states of great historical significance. Highlighted by the great bays of the eastern seaboard: Chesapeake and Delaware, both states are defined by the legacies of their colonial pasts. This aerial journey reveals their giant stature in the history of America.
Delaware was the 1st of the thirteen original colonies to ratify the United States Constitution on December 7, 1787. Prior to that date, it was the only colony to be claimed by Sweden, Holland and England. There is some even earlier evidence that Egyptian explorers found their way to the state. Today, Delaware has become a farming and industrial state. At one time the center of this country's flour industry, it is today the leading producer of chemicals in the United States and, because of its corporate laws, more corporations are headquartered in Delaware than in any other state. The capital of Delaware is Dover.[The thirteen colonies were: Delaware, Pennsylvania, NewJersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations]
Delaware is a U.S. state on the Atlantic Coast
in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States.
in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States.
Delaware State Flag
Delaware State Seal
Delaware State Butterfly: Tiger Swallowtail
Delaware State Bug: Lady Bug
Delaware State Song: Our Delaware
Breathtaking Vistas
Dew-dappled mornings
Delaware State Seal
The blue hen chicken was designated the official state bird of Delaware in 1939. The history of this symbol stems from the Revolutionary war when Delaware soldiers were compared to fighting cocks.
The brilliant tiger swallowtail butterfly was designated the official state butterfly of Delaware in 1999. The tiger swallowtail butterfly is indigenous to Delaware and can be seen in deciduous woods, along streams, rivers, wooded swamps, and in towns and cities throughout the state.
Bugs & insects are often perceived as obnoxious and bothersome.
The lady bug was adopted as the official state bug of Delaware in 1974 thanks to an intensive effort made by Mrs. Mollie Brown-Rust and her 2nd grade students of the Lulu M. Ross Elementary School in Milford, Delaware. Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and New Hampshire also designate the ladybug as an official state symbol.
Delaware State Tree: American HollyDelaware designated the grey fox as the official state wildlife animal in 2010. The fourth grade students at Joseph M. McVey Elementary School suggested that the grey fox be designated as Delaware's official state wildlife animal (part of teacher Paul Sedacca's lessons on persuasive writing). Indigenous to Delaware, it is estimated that this unique animal has existed between 7 and 10 million years. The grey fox is the only member of the canid family (canines) which is able to climb trees (the grey fox can also run up to 28 miles per hour!).
Delaware State Flower: Peach BlossomDelaware designated American holly (Ilex opaca Aiton) as the official state tree in 1939. Also called Christmas holly or evergreen holly, American holly is regarded as one of Delaware's most important forest trees.
Delaware State Star: Delaware DiamondDelaware designated the peach blossom as the official state flower symbol in 1895 because of Delaware's reputation as "The Peach State" (at that time Delaware orchards contained more than 800,000 peach trees).
For all State Symbols of Delaware click HERE!The state star of Delaware is The Delaware Diamond. A star of the 12th magnitude that can be seen with binoculars or a telescope, the Delaware Diamond is located in the constellation of Ursa Major (Great Bear or Big Dipper). Utah is the only other state that has designated an official astrological symbol.
Delaware State Song: Our Delaware
Breathtaking Vistas
Dew-dappled mornings
Technicolor sunsets
Wild, rugged, awe-inspiring
Vistas no one forgets
Sights beyond the highest point
Panoramic views sublime
Pause to take it all in
A solitary place in time
Unlock historical wonders
Amid landscapes le natural
Glimpse into America's rich past
Enduring, not ephemeral
Roll on down the Delaware
A mighty river not outdone
Pass cliffs, fields and forests
Something for everyone
Ribbons of unique heritage
Breathtaking vistas, watercolor hues
Beauty along America's byways
Delaware's horizons suffuse
©2014 Sharla Lee Shults
How did Delaware get its shape?

How did Delaware get its shape?
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