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Life IS history in the making. Every word we say, everything we do becomes history the moment it is said or done. Life void of memories leaves nothing but emptiness. For those who might consider history boring, think again: It is who we are, what we do and why we are here. We are certainly individuals in our thoughts and deeds but we all germinated from seeds planted long, long ago.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Voice of America: Change?

A critical tipping point for America is at our doorstep. Changes are about to be made, whether we are in agreement or not, they are inevitible. Election brings about major change: changes in government, changes in policy, changes that may or may not represent balance of power.
Campaigns and elections throughout history hold important lessons for today. The presidential campaigns of the 1800s were often raucous affairs, with iconic personalities battling it out amidst backdrops of national crisis. In the 20th century, radio became the new political medium. In 1952, the national political conventions and the presidential campaign were televised nationwide for the first time. Now in the 21st century, the expansion of technology allows campaigns and elections to progress way beyond the social media networks of radio and television into the elusive World Wide Web.
The participation by eligible voters (voter turnout) yoyoing in the 40, 50 and 60 percentage ranges [a high of 73.2% at the turn of the 20th century to 48.9% low by 1924 and only reaching 62.2% in 2008) casts an overarcing shadow as to what percent this election might yield.

The American Coin of Freedom - Two Sides
America is not just about freedom, it is about responsibility. The Eagle flies over troubled waters as the pendulum of time oscillates in rhythmic motion. Are you prepared to lose any of the freedoms America has fought so hard to achieve and maintain? Do you have a voice? Yes, indeed. . .it is exercised through your right and privilege to. . .


In 2012, whichever way the pendulum swings will determine the future of America amid an era of unending crisis. What is your voice?

VOTE! FOR AMERICA! Protect her freedoms won through faith, hope, and courage amid unfathomable sacrifice! 

Embrace her Past, Empower her Present, Enrich her Future

 Voice of America: Change?
Thoughts remain unsettled as America strives
to uphold its liberty, freedom, and the constitution.
America runs on the courage, faith, and hope of its people!
What are your campaigns for change?
Time, totally uncontrollable
Steals our moments and our days
It passes without hesitation
As we move about in a daze
With time comes change
And change is surely here
Racism echoes uncertainty
Does it fall on a deaf ear?
With change comes progress
All things just don’t remain
Within ambiguous walls
What progress will abstain?
With progress comes growth
Not always gauging prosperity
Stability wanes
Who profits in a community?
With growth comes opportunity
Yet challenges often are never met
Long-term, short-term promises
Do signs of affluence remain unset?
With opportunity comes responsibility
The demand for ethical leadership
With values, honesty, integrity outdated
Will the next step be total censorship?
A time to break silence
Stand up, be tough!
A voice inside our heads
Cries out—Enough!

Connecting the past to the present…
“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability,
but comes through continuous struggle.
And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.
A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.”
—Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929–1968)
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  1. Replies
    1. Hopefully, it will reach out to some of those who do not put much emphasis on the voting process!

  2. Maybe if we let our voices be heard, there will be hope!

  3. Thanks, Deirdre. Voices need to be HEARD!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Brian. Every vote counts! BTW I left comments on your interview!

    2. Some truths here that stretch out beyond the American coast internaionally

  5. I agree, Sharla. Our young people must get out and exercise their right to be heard -- vote.
    Leaders before them have worked hard for their right to vote.
    Their voices MUST be heard.

    Great post!

    1. Hi, Cherrye. It is not just the young people. Too many adults just simply ride along and don't take the time to vote. These are the ones that usually do the most complaining!

  6. Sharla,

    it would probably do anyone who has complaints a lot of person good and satisfaction to get out and vote. I always feel better if I vote, even if my person doesn't win the election, I feel more in control of my world. Voting should be number 1 right now on a list of things to do to combat stress in one's life and improve the immune system. I do hope absolutely everyone has a chance to vote this election and the percentage of voters goes up even from 2008.

    Martha Love

    1. Thanks, Sharla, we need people to stop complaining about the mess we're in and do something about it!! I hope this great post acts as a wake-up call!

    2. We are definitely in a mess! If the message reaches only a few maybe that few will pass it on to another few who will. . .and hopefully the beat goes on!

    3. It should be on everyone's #1 list right now but unfortunately there are too many who just passively sit by and expect things to turn out the way they should. Definitely NOT always the case. . .

  7. Great post, Sharla--now if the "kids" who serve in Congress could just get their act together and work together to move our country forward!

    1. Isn't that the truth! Congress is no longer effective!

  8. GREAT post. I agree with everything you wrote. People who don't vote really don't have the right to complain, do they?

  9. What really gripes me is those who say they don't vote because "what is one little vote? MY vote doesn't count anyway." That is so ridiculous. . .if that one person sways someone else to think his/her vote doesn't count, then that person could perhaps convince someone else who in turn draws the same conclusion and moves on to leave the exact impression on another, the beat goes on until. . .Now, those single votes that seemed to not count have added up to how many?
