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Monday, November 16, 2015

Third Week of November

Here we are already in the third week of November. With celebrations behind us for the First Week of November and the Second Week of November, let's see what's happened and happen' this week.

Let's Celebrate!

November 15 is time to...

Take stock!

This Day in History: November 15, 1867

Everything has a beginning somewhere, some time by someone. While the invention of the 'ticker tape' may be thought of as Thomas Edison's idea, that is not the case. Edison's first successful invention was an improved stock ticker, the "Universal Stock Printer".
The ubiquitous 'they' say a picture says a thousand words. Take stock of the images HERE that say enough about the ticker tape...

November 16 is ...

 a very American holiday
The U.S. has more than 300 fast food chains, representing 40% of the nation’s total restaurant sales. Americans spend more than $110 billion on fast food annually, on cuisine that ranges from barbecue, fried chicken and pizza to Chinese food and Tex-Mex. Read MORE, learn about what constitutes 'fast' food and discover the Father of Fast Food...
First choice in fast food...

Burger 'n' Fries

Oklahoma Wheat: Fields of Gold

Indians, Cowboys & Oil are up for celebration today: The Indian Territory and the Oklahoma Territory were combined into one state, and Oklahoma became the 46th state to join the union, November 16,1907How much do you know about the state of Oklahoma? 

Oklahoma designated the wild turkey as state game bird in 1990. If it had been left up to Benjamin Franklin, the Turkey, not the Bald Eagle would have been designated as our national bird. That would include all the "gobbles," "clucks," "putts," "purrs," "yelps," "cutts," "whines," "cackles," and "kee-kees" that go along with it! Wonder what impact that would have had on the traditional Thanksgiving dinner...Um-m-m?

Ready to bake some cookies for Thanksgiving? Go visit GRANDma! Um-m-m? Wonder how many will last until Thanksgiving dinner? Not to worry! Bake enough to last from now 'til then! The result will be mouth-watering and delicious while the memories...priceless!

November 17 is ...

A toast to all who bake that yeasty goodness known as homemade bread! YUM! Old-fashioned bread making may be time consuming but oh my goodness! Nothing beats the aroma of fresh bread as the yeast does its work while the dough rises in the warmth of the oven.Click HERE...
November 18 is...


pronounced: vish – e – swaz

Regardless how it is spelled or pronounced, is vichyssoise delicious creamy potato soup? If a chunkyhot soup is desired, do not puree & leave hefty bits of potato, add cream and heat gently. Make it up ahead of time, then, when ready to serve, heat (potato soup) or serve cold (vichyssoise) garnished with a few finely chopped chives.
November 19 believe it or not is...

The modern 'flush' toilet carries with it some stories of its own, especially about the name, not toilet but two of the 101 Names for the ToiletThere are persons who actually existed who were associated with the toilet as we know it today. Click HERE for the stories of Crapper and John!
November 20 is...

There just cannot be enough foodie days! Let's face it...everyday is a foodie day, especially if you have a sweet tooth! Then, to celebrate one of our nation's favorite foods and on our own add chocolate...what can be said? Bring it on!
 November 21 is...

Ever had a bad day where it only took a single word, "hello", "hi", or someone asking "How are you?" to make you feel better? Such a simple gesture showing that someone cares, especially when accompanied by a smile, can do so much! Now, think about the power of communication on a global aspect. Click HERE for more...
Beauty Amplified reflects the state that joined the union on this day, November 21, 1789: North Carolina! "Where soars Mount Mitchell's summit great, In the "Land of the Sky," in the Old North State!" What do you know about North Carolina?
North Carolina is home to mysteries, giant industries, and coastal beauty. It's where gold was first found in America, and where an entire colony of settlers vanished. A state where golf rules the land, NASCAR rules the road, and college basketball holds court over them all. It's where tobacco became king after the cotton industry went up in smoke, and where a 12-second flight sent shockwaves around the world.

Each week we cannot leave without looking ahead to the biggest holiday of November!
How long until Thanksgiving? Click the Turkey . . .
How close are you to being ready?

yum, yum, yum . . . yummy!


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