Have you ever pondered why the days of the week carry their specific names? Of course, the names differ according to the language in which they are being referred but the English translations are still Sunday through Saturday or Monday through Sunday, whichever you prefer. Sunday is often referred to as the first day of the week with Monday being the first day of the workweek.
When the Romans adopted the seven day week, emphasis was placed on their respect for the sun. The first day of the week thus reflected "dies solis"..."day of the sun".The English language days of the week are named after angels and mythological figures, the product and confluence of an array of contributing cultures and traditions; while some other contemporary names stem from the same source as those used in English, others do not. [Source: en.wikipedia.org]
The sun being honored, it is logical for the moon to be the focus for Monday, the ancient Anglo-Saxon/Germanic word for Moon is "monandaeg".
Tuesday is associated with Tiw or Tyr, supposedly a one-handed Norse God of War. However, in some cultures, Tuesday is still the derivative of the Roman God - Mardi, Martedi and Martes.
Mid-day, 'hump day', Wednesday is named for the Norse God, Odin, aka Woden and Wotan. Anglo-Saxons used the word, Wodnesdaeg; Romans, miercuri.

To sum it up...
- Monday - Moonday - fair of face, because the moon is thought of to have a face.
- Tuesday - Tyr - Norse God of War. He was graceful in battle.
- Wednesday - Woden - Messenger God, who carried the dead. Bringer perhaps of bad tidings and woe.
- Thursday - Thor - God of Thunder. It is thought that far to go might refer to far off rumblings of the weather.
- Friday - Frida - Goddess of Love would be loving and giving.
- Saturday - Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture, always toiling, in tilling the soil - working hard for his living.
- Sunday - of course refers to the sun and the bonny, blithe, good, and gay are qualities sometimes attributed to the sun, especially in climes when not often seen. [Source: indepthinfo.com]
On which day were you born? Do you bear resemblance to your day's name?
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