A rude awakening in today's society is the seemingly lack of common sense. Are we simply becoming robots attuned to the surroundings of a non-believing world? You know...like the robotic voices on the telephone that are programmed beyond any deviation whatsoever! Are we being guided toward decisions of truth vs. perception, right vs. wrong, freedom vs. control, positive vs. negative, fact vs. opinion (and, the list goes on. . .) without real sensical thinking? You know...like our brains have become oblivious to self-thought!

Everyone tends to be in a rush these days without giving much thought to simple, common sense actions. Taking your time
and being conscientious in your actions can help make each day safer
for yourself and others.
It seems a day does not go by without some happenstance that is totally beyond reason. Shouldn't one KNOW not to walk behind a car as it is backing out of a parking space? What about the shopper that leaves the shopping basket right in front of the cashier's counter? Is it there to step into and drag around as though it is part of your footwear? By the way, the road cones you sometimes see along the highway or blocking off an area, don't they actually mean DO NOT CROSS? Doesn't that also apply to railroad crossing gates? Invariably someone is going to squeeze their way by and when confronted act totally innocent. What are the consequences of such naivety? And, of course, let's not overlook the person who drives around with tires as 'bald as a coot' or the 'texter' that has this growth on his/her hand, aka the mobile phone, or the one who has the 'blue bug' attached to an ear! Has all sense of keeping your eyes on the road and mind on your driving gone right out the window???
Think about it: A person may KNOW what common sense is but then actively take on the attitude "it will never happen to ME" or "how will THAT hurt anyone?" What a difference it would make if everyone would look beyond the next few seconds to the consequences of their actions.

In Washington state where I live, pedestrians have the right-of-way. Evidently some of them think that right endows them with immortality too--especially those who text while walking. So my common sense message to them would be: You are a frail human being. I'm driving a car that weighs 3,000+ pounds. Your right-of-way privilege doesn't count for much if you step in front of my car.
ReplyDeleteSandy, texting while walking, texting while driving, texting while eating. . .texting, texting, texting should be outlawed!
DeleteOh too funny! Vin and I were saying the same thing walking up to the coffee shop this evening :)
ReplyDeleteWe were talking about his 16 year old daughter and decided to put it down to her age lol but I have always said it, you either get "Street smarts" or intelligence but like water and oil the two never mix...
How true that is, Claire! You and Vin nailed it!
DeleteI know that living in NYC people are so harried sometimes that they don't think about what they're doing. The walking behind a car backing up is one that happens. Jaywalking is another one. This is very dangerous of course; they give tickets for running red lights as they should, but pedestrian responsibility is also important. Too bad our officials don't hand out tickets for jaywalking, crossing and impeding traffic (different in California) etc. So I think it's sometimes a matter of pressure...density of emotion, pressure, stress. I'm not saying it's right...but such emotions and conditions can eradicate common sense. Calm is needed.
ReplyDeleteCarole,you are absolutely right but there ARE those cases that simply just go way beyond being under what one might categorize as natural emotional or stressful conditions! I totally agree that calm is needed:>P
Delete@ Sharla - Common sense is dwindling in our society. Much of it is caused by a lack of maturity in which parents did not take the time to raise their children right. The lack of common sense can often be attributed to the lack of socialization in what is supposed to be an adult world.
ReplyDeleteDaron, I must totally agree! It starts with the parents and sometimes it is the parents who are the ones lacking, which goes back to their parents, and the beat goes on!
DeleteGreat post and so true. My add on is, How many times do I need to repeat myself when ordering a sandwich, cup of coffee, or whatever, over the counter? Common sense says listen to the customer, not your fellow employees conversations.
ReplyDeletePeggy, my reply to you is below:)
DeleteWow! Is that the truth! Sometimes it appears the only reason they are at work is to visit with fellow employees who are probably friends.
ReplyDeleteCommonsense is uncommon. Among the young, the problem seems to be a proliferation of "instant solutions." Thirty seconds to a better life. A two week crash diet. Instant communication. Immediate gratificaation. Why bother to think when you can just react?
ReplyDeleteIn the body politic, "they" know the sensible and right thing to do. They choose to not do it for 2 classic reasons: greed and power. Decisions are based on the need to maintain personal power and for gain. The two combine and the result is lethal. In small towns -- like the ones in which you and I live -- the "movers and shakers" will do anything to hang on to their petty fiefdoms.
If they ever cared about their community, they have forgotten. We ought to be able to fix it, but I don't how. We live with the results and it isn't pretty.
It is a sad state of affairs and with each passing day it does not seem to be getting any better. The body politic, I totally agree. . .greed and power. What has the most and can do the most to get what THEY want! Who benefits? Not the average person I am afraid!