It was not an easy task the designing of this flag; there were no modern sewing machines and most stitchery was performed by hand and by candlelight or oil lamps. Can you imagine George Washington, Robert Morris, and George Ross coming into your home and asking you to sew the first flag? While you may have been accustomed to embroidering ruffles for Washington's shirt bosoms and cuffs, would you be up to this entirely different undertaking destined to be the representation of an entire nation for generations to come?
Each day we pass buildings, homes, and grave sites displaying this iconic symbol of America. With each passing, what do you see at the sight of the American flag? Next time you pass one by don't let its vision pass you by without thoughts of embracing the past, empowering the present, and enriching the future of America!
Visit Stitches in Time for a brief review of the making of America's flag, aka, "Stars and Stripes," "Old Glory," and "The Star-Spangled Banner." Put yourself back in time when our key founding fathers established the platform for America's freedom. . .
Note: Be sure to click the small square in the bottom right corner of the video clip to view maximum screen.
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