Cookies have a place at the top of the food list for both dessert and snack time. Delicious with absolutely
NO age limit as to their foodie friends! This day's celebration focuses on a rather confusing confection
that may not actually be a cookie since the recipe calls for no flour. Another point of possible confusion might be its reference by two different names
IF you do not know the difference for each has a base of egg whites and sugar.
May 31 is...
Not to be confused with the Macaron (top photo)

It's high time we set the record straight: the word "macaron" is
an alternate spelling of macaroon. In fact, the two terms refer to
distinctly different things. Both macarons and macaroons are
confections, and both names are derived from
ammaccare, which is Italian for "to crush" — but that's where the similarities end. Read
Of course, the above article is just one source of explanation. As so often happens on the web, its intricate weaving reveals various results. For example, here's another: Although the exact origins have not been proven, it is widely believed
that macaroons originated in an Italian monastery many centuries ago.
The word
macaroon comes from the Italian word,
maccarone, which means “paste.” Read this entire article
As a child, I remember well the days of the macaroons...crisp on the outside, chewy on the inside, unshapely little cookie bites quite often dipped in chocolate.
Do you have fond 'macaroon' memories?
~Recipe Time~
Plus recipe for Mexican Chocolate Macaroons
Traditional Almond Macaroons
Dark Chocolate Pistachio Macaroons
Coconut Raspberry Macaroons
A big hand of applause for the macaroon!