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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Fourth Week of November

Here we are past the First Week of November, the Second Week of November, the Third Week of November and moving right along in the Fourth (and final) Week of November! Whew! Time flies oh-so fast it is difficult to keep up with what's happenin'. We have relived history, sang and danced through music history, supported our military, honored America's veterans, enjoyed numerous days of foodie fun both sweet and sour, said 'hello' around the world, even celebrated World Toilet Day while being kind throughout the whole process.

Since we are in the middle of the week let's step back a few days to what happened at the beginning. This week started off with a monumental day in history with the assassination of one of our nation's greatest Presidents. Many conspiracy theories surround this tragic event.

 November 22, 1963

There are many events that altered the course of history. Had they not occurred the world as we know it today might possibly be quite different. There will always be rumors of war, war and assassinations. Freedom is not free but comes at a high price...  
"The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission."
 35th President of the United States

Click HERE for Three Shots Fired... 

November 22, 1975
So often any one of us may be familiar with a band but really don't know the name or the face behind the music. The same is true of individual recording artists. If you were asked whether you like the music of Reginald Kenneth Dwight would you have to stop and think for a moment? Would the reaction be the same if the name Elton John was substituted? What about Chris Gaines? Ever heard of him? Of course you have...he's Garth Brooks' alto ego. Today's spotlight is on a band of world renown but possibly only if the band's name was presented upfront.
The music question for this day is...

Founder of the Dance Revolution
Do you know Harry Wayne Casey? He is founder and leader of ... Click HERE! 

At the end of each music post is the link to the next day's day in music history. Click the link or the music notes.
And the music goes on beating to the rhythm of the changing times...

November 23 is...

National Espresso Day

Coffeeteahot cocoa - yum-yum, how sweet the brew! This time add espresso to the list. After all, 75% of all caffeine consumed in the United States is coffee. Espresso appears dark and strong with a lot of flavor & complexity in a tiny little cup, but it contains no more caffeine than a regular cup of coffee. It is the richness of its aroma and flavor that draws attention toward its desire. Click HERE ...

November 24, 1932

Click HERE...
Today's famed television series BonesCSI and NCIS demonstrate the capabilities of a scientific laboratory. Whether forensic or physical evidence, it always ends up in the lab. For us in the 21st century, the tiniest bit of evidence can make or break a case. Even past evidence can be screened and scrutinized to the point of uncovering critical information. Yet, it has not always been this way.

November 25 is...

The Perfect Snack

This day's glass is not to be filled with a beverage but a foodie considered the perfect snack. Here's a hint: Don't throw away that day old bread...cut into cubes, soak with whisked sugar and rum. Then, celebrate!
Is your mouth watering yet?

Also on this day...

The Biggest Thing Afloat Sinks

This Day in History: November 25, 1990 Today's place in history is held by the collapse of an old bridge along the longestinterstate highway in the United States, I-90. 

Find out HOW this happened and watch the action via video...HERE!

Gobble Gobble Gobble! It's Thanksgiving Day and you get to Have your cake...& eat it too!

November 26 is...

National Cake Day

Dessertssnacks and treats find a place any time on any given day of the week. There is no magic minute or hour. When the craving for something sweet hits, it hits...right then, right NOW! For cake's sake, for the love of cake, on this day you get to have your cake & eat it too! If you haven't already discovered the link, check it out  HERE 

November 27, 2005

Click More Dollar$ than ¢ense

This day marks an occasion that definitely warrants a close look at ¢ents in the sense of spending wisely. The event showcases headline performers Aerosmith and 50 Cent among others.  The case at hand is not so much on the musicians but the party who paid for the performance and the reason. At a cost of $2 million for a 45-min performance, that must have been some kind of party!  
The event marked the ‘bar mitzvah’ coming-of-age celebration for the 13-yr old daughter of a multimillionaire, which featured her favorite acts.
Bottom Line: Not sure what kind of example was being set for the young teenager, especially taking into account where the money came from and the devastating results for the child and the family. 

Posts to follow so mark your calendars...

November 27 is...

On this day occurs Total Insanity! 

So, on Black Friday, looming in front of us is a question...

To help in answering the question, ponder this...


...then, check out why on the 27th!

AND to END the WEEK but not the month...

'See' you later! Lots to do but not without first wishing everyone...

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