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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hello, September!

...the beginning of Autumn, a time of change! A welcomed break from the sweltering temperatures of summer, a look ahead to landscapes erupting in riotous colorshow magnificent! With a new month comes occasions for celebration, so let's take a peek at what is at the top of the list for the entire month of September. What better start than to begin with music. Not just any music but tunes that date as far back as the 11th century that are still played in the 21st century. Then, make a music connection with each celebration.
Classical music may be at the bottom of your playlist but why not move it to the top during Classical Music Month? There is a huge possibility you know a lot more classical tunes than you think. Do you like the movies? More and more classical pieces are indeed intricate parts of their soundtracks. Even television programs and commercials have researched artistic masterpieces for marketing and advertising. You may or may not recognize the titles but perhaps the melodies ring a bell. Here is a sample...

According to Wikipedia, the term Hispanic is used to denote a link to Spain, whether it is a culture or a group of people. This is why the people of the countries and islands who were once ruled by Spain are labeled Hispanic today. As these geographical locations encompass a large variety of customs, traditions, cuisines, and music/art forms, the Hispanic community is a diverse group which cannot be limited to a stereotype. During National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 to October 15), celebrations are in order for the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society. 

Put away the straw hats worn while gardening and the beach hats topping the head for protection from the summer sun. Jazz up your fall wardrobe with a stylish hat. Both men and women wear hats and hats have been a part of our history for centuries. A hat is a headcovering that may be worn for protection against the elements, for religious reasons, for safety, or as a fashion accessory. In the past, hats were an indicator of social status. In the military, they denote rank and regiment. There are hats for men and hats for women, as well as hats worn by both sexes. Purveyors of men's hats are called hatters and purveyors of women's hats are called milliners. If you like, go cr-r-r-razy during Fall Hat Month.

The square dance is uniquely American. So American, almost 50% of the United States (24 to be exact) have designated the square dance as their state (folk) dance (click HERE). However, the format, many of the folk dances movements, and the terminology incorporated into the square dance were brought by early immigrantsEnglish, Irish and Scottish settlersfrom other countries to the United States. Celebrate International Square Dancing Month by participating along with a local square dancing club or host a square dance of your own. It's a great way to get some exercise while having fun at the same time!

We may be at the end of the summer season with temps beginning to drop (hopefully) but there are still some warm (even hot) days ahead. Of course, summer treats are not just for summer. Most are enjoyed year around with the Popsicle being one of them. The flavorful explosion of sweet blueberries at the end of summer has never tasted better. Include these in your next frozen treat experiment and you'll be a card-carrying member of the blue tongue society. Step back in time and celebrate National Blueberry Popsicle Month while listening to Jan & Dean's 'Popsicle'...

National Piano Month
The piano has been instrumental in many different genres of music with musicians 'tickling the ivories' for centuries. For National Piano Month, celebrate an instrument that continues to be classical, contemporary and flexible at the same time; an instrument that contributed enormously to the development of music as we know it, and continues to play a key role in modern music. It is enjoyed by young and old...there is no age limit when it comes to the piano!

Let's Talk Chicken! Did you know there are more chickens than any other domesticated bird on Earth? With that thought in mind, it is so far down the list of endangered species there is no need to worry about running low or heaven forbid OUT of Southern fried chicken! For National Chicken Month, options are endless as to how to enjoy chicken: casseroled, crocked, crusted, baked, BBQed, boiled braised, broiled, fingered, fricasseed, fried, grilled, nuggeted, pied, roasted, rotisseried, rubbed, saladed, sandwiched, sauced, sauteed, seared, smoked, stir-fried, stuffed, just about any way you like it. I fact, you can eat chicken every day for the month and never eat the same recipe twice. While dining on one of your favorite chicken recipes, enjoy one of many popular songs with chicken in the title!
Ah-h-h-h, September, so much to celebrate, especially the sweetest gift of naturehoney, of course! This one, simple ingredient is all-natural, delicious and so-o-o-o versatile. The National Honey Board (NHB) has always recognized the importance of honey bees and the benefits of honey. From the kitchen pantry to the bathroom vanity and beyond, honey plays a valuable role in our everyday lives. Did you know to make one pound of honey, a honeybee needs to tap 2 million blossoms? Now, that's what I call a 'worker'! Have a Honey Chipper Day but this time every day for the entire month.

Celebrate a healthy start every morning during the month of September. If you are not a breakfast eater, this is the month to change your habits. Jump start your metabolism, feel better and stay healthy. The benefits of eating breakfast are well worth the effort. As with any food be sure to include the right foods on the menu. Choose foods that contribute fiber, protein and healthy fats. Did you know breakfast should make up one-fourth to one-third of daily caloric needs? Just don't overdo with the sweets. Eat better during Better Breakfast Month!
Whew! That is a lot of celebration...and, to think that is not all being celebrated but all for now! Enjoy September!

This is Autumn...this is classical...this is piano!

September 1...

Flashbacks & Reflections...School is IN!

Today in Music History - Queen of Rock 'n' Roll


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