At the heart of Awakenings lies strong ties to those who give of their all for My America, YOUR America, Our America! Freedom is not free, it comes at a price, a very high price of sacrifice. Those who set personal gain aside, endure separation from family and friends, put themselves in harm's way do it all for you. For me. For America.
We have come far; suffered much; gained, lost, regained;
let it not all be in vain.
Set aside a few moments now, tomorrow and every day thereafter in recognition and appreciation of those who sacrifice every day ensuring the rights and freedoms in America will be protected for generations to come. The fight to maintain freedom is not just for today, it is for America's future.
Support our Troops! They support America!
Among America's freedoms is the right to vote. The issue of voting rights in the United States has been contentious throughout United States history.
We're very fortunate to live in the United States where every vote counts! Whether a municipal election or a national election, we the people decide. Decisions are up to you. Up to me. If you don't vote, then what right do you have to express dissatisfaction with government, either locally or nationally?
It's up to you! Stand up for America!
Remember, America fought! America won!
Be sure you proudly wear the button. . .
Remember, America fought! America won!
Be sure you proudly wear the button. . .
Interested in early voting?
Check out the Early Voting Calendar for your area.
In some countries, you don't have ANY rights:
Billions of people live without freedom!
God Bless America!