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Friday, January 8, 2016

♫Happy Birthday, ELVIS!♫

Had Elvis lived to this day, he would be celebrating his 81st birthday! Just imagine the music that would have evolved from this icon of rock 'n' roll history. The music goes on beating to the rhythm of the changing times so it would have been very interesting to 'see & hear' the changes in Elvis. Of course, performances of the 21st century still engage their share of movements of the pelvis that Elvis brought into the limelight in the 50s. 

 Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977)

Publicity photo for Jailhouse Rock (1957)
Source: en.wikipedia.org
 The incredible Elvis life story began when Elvis Aaron Presley was born to Vernon and Gladys Presley in a two-room house in Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935. His twin brother, Jessie Garon, was stillborn, leaving Elvis to grow up as an only child.  Source: Elvis Presley Biography
Presley's birthplace in Tupelo, Mississippi
Source: en.wikipedia.org
Presley and his parents, 1937
Source: en.wikipedia.org
In celebration of Elvis’ birthday, relive his music and reflect on the video of When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again as performed on the Ed Sullivan Show January 6, 1957.

Notice how the camera stays close-up to avoid his scandalous dance moves.

Move ahead to January 8, 1946...

1940s Kay (auction) guitar
Photo © courtesy Tupleo Hardware Store
 In competing versions of the story, what Elvis Presley really wanted for his birthday was a rifle or a bicycle—both fairly typical choices for a boy his age growing up on the outskirts of Tupelo, Mississippi. Instead, Elvis's highly protective mother, Gladys—"She never let me out of her sight," Elvis would later say—took him to the Tupelo Hardware Store and bought a gift that would change the course of history: a $6.95 guitar. It was January 8, 1946, and Elvis Aaron Presley was 11 years old. Read MORE...

If you were an Elvis fan, what was/is your favorite tune?

Presley in Aloha from Hawaii, broadcast live via satellite on January 14, 1973.
The singer himself came up with his famous outfit's eagle motif,
as "something that would say 'America' to the world."
Source: en.wikipedia.org

And the music goes on beating to the rhythm of the changing times...

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