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Monday, December 28, 2015

The Rest of December

http://awakenings2012.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-most-popular-regift.htmlIt's Monday, the beginning of the last work week of December. Yesterday, December 27 was A Record Day in History: Playfully, Musically, Economically, Comically & Scientifically. Of course, you also learned about the most popular 'acceptable' regift...Did you miss it? Click the image at left.

Music history welcomed "Mr. Excitement" into the spotlight: a dynamic and powerful soul performer during the '50s and '60s who successfully crossed over from rhythm and blues to pop music. 

Today, December 28, announces the day when Chocolate 'Rains': Drizzles, sprinkles & pours! Go for it all you chocoholics...this is YOUR day! In addition, patriotically speaking, the official name, The Pledge of Allegiance, was formally recognized on this day in 1945. Then, musically speaking, you discovered Where the Seeds of WOODSTOCK were Sown.

Iowa: Epic Lands
A serious dispute over how large the state would be delayed Iowa's admission into the Union as the 29th state until December 28, 1846, but by the delay the people of Iowa got what they wanted—all the land between the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.

With all that being said, what is on the calendar for the rest of December?

December 29 is...

 Learn why this is classified as "The soup that won the war." (Recipe)

Texas: Authentic Western Snapshots (amid Colors of Splendor)
Texas joined the Union on December 29, 1845, as the 28th state. From humble beginnings to boastful proclamations, see why "everything's bigger in Texas."

OK all you Texans! Staying true to your name, Texas has received the most (by far) hits since Awakenings posted the 50 states during the month in which each obtained statehood. Ready to reach 5000? Go for it...just click the link above!

Engineering Tragedy 1876

  • Today's Engineering Tragedy reflects the disaster of a railroad trestle bridge in Ashtabula, Ohio that occurred much earlier than that of the sinking Murrow Memorial Bridge. Unlike the earlier tragedy where lives were spared, such was not the case on this day. The lives of those who were spared forever changed with even more tragedy ensuing in the aftermath of heartache and devastation.

America's Long Indian Wars: Unhealed Wounds 1890

Time in a Bottle:
Jim Croce: an American singer/songwriter of upbeat and empathetic, melancholy songs with a visually-rich lyrical style

 December 30 is...Pork Belly, Meat Candy & Tender Loin

Howdy-hi, Shindiggers! We've got a 'Shindig!' for you that's so far in, it's out of sight! ~Jimmy O'Neil's opening line for each show.
The eve of the eve is the evening before New Year's Eve. Are you beginning early on the eve of the eve to mix & mingle jump-starting your New Year's Eve celebrations? If you have not started partying early, there is only tonight and tomorrow to get everything in order...guest list, hors d'oeuvres, champagne, fireworks, music or other entertainment, etc.
 December 31 is...

Plus spotlights... 

Hits, Debuts & Trivia:
New Year's Eve of decades past leaves a couple of hits in its wake, a few live debuts and definitely its share of tidbits of music trivia. Happy New Year!

 What is in your 2015 time capsule?

Goodbye, 2015 & Hello, 2016! Time to reflect back on the past year suspending in time those moments which are held dear to our hearts...changes, births, deaths, happy times, heartache.

Auld Lang Syne 2015

With one year's ending comes a new beginning: A new year filled with promise and hope. Promises and hopes come in the form of resolutions for some while others enter the year without resolve.
Plus whatever else may show up on the calendar between now and the first of 2016!

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