Welcome to Awakenings!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Awakenings Breaks 300,000 Hits!

Awakenings was birthed on November 18, 2011 taking baby steps with its first 5 blog posts being aired before the end of the year. Since that time postings have reached over 1500! When I first started, I felt as green as the "Green Hornet" but not nearly as confident as the crime-fighter himself.

On Saturday, October 13, 2012, Awakenings' hits reached the first milestone...

Next came 100,000, then 200,000 and now here I am today celebrating...

and still counting!

Thank you! for embracing the past, empowering the present, enriching the future of America with each visit to Awakenings! America's strength lies with each link remaining taut to preserve and carry on her ancestral chain.
As you move ahead into 2016, remain mindful of how important it is to support America, her flag, her constitution, her values! Support the military, her protectors, her defenders! They support you!

Some of Awakenings' highlights include...

A visit to each state of the United States of America! 
How much do know about each state, especially your home state?
There's always room to learn more!

Love music? What is your favorite decade?

Music Through the Centuries (1600s - 1800s) 

Music in Leisure Times (1900-1909)
Ragging into the 1910s 
 20s, 30s40s50s60s70s80s90s on into the 21st century!
What is life without music? Don't even want to go there!

Awakenings is all about America


Always extend A Salute to Our Troops

Remember the Defining Moments in America's History

Awakenings is all about America, 

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