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Monday, November 3, 2014

Who knows sandwiches?

OOPS! Any time is a good time for a sandwich and the day is not over yet! There is suppertime and midnight snack so get to it. There are an abundance of different types of sandwiches. With just a little imagination, the possibilities are endless. Thank you Earl of Sandwich!

November 3 is...
National Sandwich Day
No one knows the sandwich better than Dagwood!

Today is a celebration of one of America's favorite foods: the sandwich! It is no coincidence that November 3 is also the birthday of John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich. This 18th century English noble wanted to eat his meal with one hand during a 24-hour gambling event, so he instructed his servants to serve him his lunchmeat between two slices of bread. To commemorate the birth of the world's first sandwich-maker, November 3 is now National Sandwich Day!

What's the most popular sandwich in America? Why, the hamburger, of course! Chicken sandwiches are a close second. Buy your favorite sandwich at a local deli or make your own at home to celebrate National Sandwich Day!

 A Dagwood Sandwich

Dagwood Sandwich Recipes
Simply Comfort Food
Is your mouth watering yet?

Go make a sandwich right NOW!

Next on the Calendar...Sugar Shock!

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