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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Bits & Pieces, Literally

ScraPPle is not to be confused with ScraBBle. They do have something in common, one is for the purpose of creating words while the other is a food creation, an unusual one at that. If you like sausage, haggis, offal, or sweetbreads, then you probably will love scraPPle. Never heard of it? 


According to Serious Eats, the name "scrapple" probably comes from the words "scraps" and "scrappy." Since the traditional dish is made from various parts of a pig, or scraps, this can include pork liver, pork skin, pork fat, pork snout, pork heart, pork tongue and even pork brains. The idea is to use up the leftovers of pork and transform it into another dish. Source: Kitchen Daily

November 9 is...

National ScraPPle Day


Everything you would like to know, or maybe not, about ScraPPle!

Not everyone is familiar with scraPPle nor is it available in all parts of the country or even liked in those places where it is known. Most people that are familiar with such 'mush' won't even touch it. ScraPPle is similar in both composition and taste to British white pudding. Its name comes from the fact that it is composed of “scraps” or literally "bits & pieces" of pork combined with cornmeal and spices. No part of the pig is wasted! The mixture is formed into a mostly solid loaf, and then it is sliced and panfried before serving.

ScraPPle, also known by the Pennsylvania Dutch name panhaas or "pan rabbit," is traditionally a mush of pork scraps and trimmings combined with cornmeal and wheat flour, often buckwheat flour, and spices. Source: en.wikipedia.org

Did you know that scraPPle is arguably the first pork food invented in America? It was created more than 200 years ago by Dutch colonists who settled near Philadelphia.

ScraPPle is typically eaten for breakfast, topped with syrup or ketchup. In some regions of the United States, it is mixed with scrambled eggs.

Recipes of the Day...

 Shortcut ScraPPle Recipe

Try a Fried ScraPPle Egg Sandwich...hey, it may be better than meatloaf!


'They' say if you really knew what all went into a hot dog, you would never eat one. If you like hot dogs, you just might like scraPPle!

Enjoy National ScraPPle Day!

Is your mouth watering yet?

Next on the Calendar...'nilla, 'nilla, Vanilla!

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