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Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Button of a Day


With just about every article of clothing purchased (requiring buttoning, that is), one will always find included an extra button. What does one do with all those buttons, which seldom are necessary as long as the original is kept tacked in place? Are they loose in a drawer, kept in a jar, or simply thrown away with the tags? Wonder no more and don't ever throw them away again! Be sure to also snip off all those buttons before throwing away any worn-out garments. With Christmas in the not so distant future, enjoy a button of a day with ideas that just might answer the question, "What on earth am I going to buy x, y, and z for Christmas?"

November 16 is ...
 Button Day

Buttons should not be thrown away but saved instead to be crafted into unique designs, or added to a garment for just the right touch or pizazz. The appeal of buttons has always been fascinating...from those that are pearlized to the oddest shapes imaginable. There is also no better way to teach a daughter or granddaughter about sewing other than learning how to sew on a button, especially on doll clothes. Makes a great rainy day project! 

With the holiday season upon us, take a look at some great decorating and gift ideas that only require creativity and a lot of love!

A Christmas ornament is a terrific gift for a friend or loved one. This one made out of vintage buttons can even be crafted and given in advance to be enjoyed throughout the holidays. Click HERE for this one and more ideas...
 OR simply give of your heart! A piece of scrap fabric, some cotton stuffing, and a lot of buttons sewn on with love.
Do you have a cloth ornament that has become frazzled through the years of handling and hanging? Jazz it up with colorful buttons! Just pin them on with 'big head' decorative pins.
There are times when each of us has struggled with getting the string tight enough around a package. How do you keep the string or ribbon from slipping? Ever thought of using a decorative cording and threading it through a large button? Neat-o!
Tired of the same-o same-o wrapping and ribbon? Craft a button snowflake to dress up plain foil wrapping paper. The snowflake will make a great ornament decoration for the next year's Christmas tree serving as a reminder of Christmas past.
Need an idea for a tiny tree to add a touch of Christmas to a small space... maybe an added touch to a child's bedroom? Craft out the button tree. Buttons don't have to necessarily be all green although that is a nice 'tree' effect. The different colored pearl pin heads add the effect of different colored lights. Tiny ribbon bows could also be attached for further decoration.
 Just doesn't get any simpler!

Maybe even fashion your own homemade Christmas card!

Gather a bowl of buttons and get creative!

Next on the Calendar...Get it FAST!

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