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Monday, October 13, 2014

Yummy... Dessert!


Have your cake (fudge, brownies, pie, pastries, cookies, cobbler, cupcakes, cheesecake, pudding, parfait, tarts) and eat it too! Yeah! Let's have DESSERT! The best part of a meal. So good it is sometimes eaten first instead of last!

October 14 is...
National Dessert Day

National Dessert Day is a rich day filled with yum! yum! yummy treats! For just one day, nix the calories! Zero out the fat! In other words, forget all about the calories and possible high fat content most desserts contain. You can always go back to your regular diet the next day.

Whiskey Apple Pie
The original bakers would have soaked the apples
in whiskey or brandy and added sugar and spices —
and maybe some lemon —
and baked the pie in a Dutch oven.
Over the years, desserts have changed from natural candies and nuts to complex souffles and multi-layered cakes. Each region of the country specializes in its own unique desserts dependent upon the available ingredients that affect the nature of each individual dessert. Looking back at earlier desserts of the colonial times, these required minimal prep time and effort since focus was more on nutrition for survival. Cakes and cookies were flavored with spices, and with the massive influx of Pennsylvania Germans into the port city of Philadelphia, flavors like apples, rum, nutmeg, and cinnamon influenced greatly the recipes of the colonial baker. In modern day culture, the options available in desserts are limitless from the simplest of preparation to the most complex.

A Bit of Colonial Baking Trivia...

In Colonial times, how could one tell the temperature of the oven?
Well, in Colonial times, there were no thermometers to tell you what the temperature of the oven was. So, the women would use what's called the "counting method". This method is when you put your arm in the oven and count to how long you can keep your arm inside. The amount of seconds tells you whether it is a quick oven, a moderate oven or a slow oven.
Click the image!
It's so easy to enjoy National Dessert Day. Just eat all the dessert you want, any time you want. Want dessert for breakfast? Have it! Enjoy something really gourmet or keep it simple. Make your own, buy it at the store, or go out to a restaurant and enjoy an elegant dessert, or maybe even two. 

Have dessert with family or friends. It's even more fun that way.

What about having dessert at every meal today!? An all-time, any time favorite is tiramisu. ENJOY!

Sweet Tea Tiramisu (Recipe)

 Mango Rum Tiramisu (Recipe)

Tiramisu Coffee Layer Cake (Recipe)

Added bonus...

Recipes for hundreds of cakes, cookies, pies and more

 Is your mouth watering yet?

yum, yum, yum . . . yummy!



  Be sure to stay tuned for the next celebration!

Today's Other Foodie Fun: Chocolate with a Unique Crunch!

Latest Holiday Celebrations: Native American Day & Columbus Day


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