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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Missouri: Show me...

This Day in History: August 10, 1821

Welcome to Missouri, a land of fertile plains, rolling hills, well-watered prairies, historic rivers and a state rich in history and culture.

The most widely recognized nickname for Missouri is The Show Me State. This is by no means its only nickname, some of which are quite comical with unique stories of their own: The Cave State, The Lead State, The Bullion State, The Ozark State, Mother of the West, The Iron Mountain State, Pennsylvania of the West and believe it or not, The Puke State. (Click HERE for origins.) As for the "show me" slogan, there are several stories regarding its origin. The most widely known story gives credit to Missouri's U.S. Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver for coining the phrase in 1899. During a speech in Philadelphia, he said:
"I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs and Democrats, and frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me."
The phrase is now used to describe the character of Missourians - not gullible - conservative and unwilling to believe without adequate evidence.

Destination "Missouruh" for our crew - and you can help by telling us what we should film there. While the Show-Me State is home to the tallest man-made monument in the US, don't ask us to fly through the Gateway Arch - we just can't get the permits. But there are plenty of other sights: from the Liberty Memorial, to the unique architectural features of the Christ Church Cathedral, all the way to the historic Arrow Rock State Park: tell us what tops your list!
Missouri was admitted to the United States as the 24th state on August 10, 1821 as part of the Missouri Compromise. Located on the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, the state was an important hub of transportation and commerce in early America, and the Gateway Arch in St. Louis is a monument to Missouri’s role as the “Gateway to the West.” St. Louis, Missouri, is home to Anheuser-Busch, the maker of Budweiser beer, and boasts the largest beer-producing plant in the country.
 Missouri is a U.S. state located in the Midwestern United States.

Missouri designated the lovely eastern bluebird as the official state bird in 1927. The bluebird's song is a rich warbling whistle broken into short phrases (Tu-wheet-tudu) or a dry chatter.

The bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) was designated the official state game bird of Missouri in 2007. Also known as a partridge, the bobwhite quail is a small, chunky brown bird with a short tail.In spring the male bobwhite whistles a clear bobwhite call which the female answers with a 4-syllable whistle.
Missouri State Amphibian: American Bullfrog

Missouri designated the North American Bullfrog
as the official state amphibian in 2005.

How many times have you been kept awake with
the sounds of a bullfrog?

How familiar are you with bullfrogs? 
Check this site: Know About Bullfrogs

Missouri State Reptile: Three-Toed Box Turtle

Missouri designated the three-toed box turtle
as the official state reptile in 2007.

When Idaho was featured (July 3), so was question whether you recalled some rather unusual state symbols. These included: Massachusetts (February 6), Maine (March 15), and Maryland (April 28) - a state cat, Maryland - a state dinosaur, West Virginia (June 20) - a state rattlesnake and Virginia (June 25) - a state bat. Added to the list was Idaho (July 3) with a state raptor! Then, Wyoming (July 10) bumped Maryland as being the only state with a designated state dinosaur and Colorado (August 1) followed suit with its own state dinosaur. As it turns out, there are eight states who claim a dinosaur as a state symbol. Today, you meet #4.
Reconstruction of duck-billed dinosaur nest at the Natural History
Museum in London (public domain image on Wikipedia).
 Missouri State Dinosaur: Hypsibema missouriensis
aka  "duck-billed" dinosaur
Missouri designated Hypsibema missouriense as the official state dinosaur in 2004. A "duck-billed" dinosaur that lived in Missouri during the Late Cretaceous period, the fossil was discovered near the town of Glen Allen, Missouri in 1942 by Dan Stewart. Hypsibema missouriense was a vegetarian,chewing with over 100 teeth! Seven states have declared a state dinosaur: Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming.

Missouri designated the white hawthorn blossom as the official state flower in 1923. Hawthorn, a woody plant that can reach 20 feet in height, belongs to the rose family (similar to plants like rose, apple and spirea). The tiny apple-like fruit (pomes) of the hawthorn is collected to make jam and also provides food for birds and small mammals.

 For all State Symbols of Missouri click HERE!

 Missouri State Song: "The Missouri Waltz"

Show me...


The greatest waterways
The Mississippi, the Missouri
Winding across the state
In calmness and fury

Great scenic beauty
Strands of cottonwoods and willows
Swaying complainingly
As a cloud overhead billows

Forces of nature
Elephant rocks, mysterious ruins
Boasting miles of trails
All of Mother Nature's doin's

Monumental sites
Holding points of entry
Enveloped in spirit and might


A destination and a gateway
The United States ended, the wild began
Hosting rich Native American culture
 From warrior to chief to medicine man


Gateway to the West
Butterfield Overland Mail Route, Pony Express
Routing saddlebags of hopes and dreams
Amid hostile conditions, emotional duress


Legend upon legend
 Questions of accuracy, frequent instructions
Declaring through history and culture
"You have got to show me" declarations


 Yes, show me
 All of these and more
Defining and representing
A people stalwart to the core

Be like the Missourian
Believe what you see
 Hiking along the trails
 In footsteps of history

  Missouri Facts and Trivia

Next state by month: #50 Hawaii, August 21, 1959

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