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Friday, August 1, 2014

August is...

...the height of summer heat! It is the last month of summer vacation and the beginning of a new school year. Time to make plans that include family fun outings, enjoying the sunshine when the days aren't too sizzling! Of course, you can always look for a place to picnic with a water park or lake nearby.

Ready for celebration? This month is...

Increase your happiness this August, and beyond. Put on your best smile, then, give a hug-receive a hug each day. You'll be happy and make someone else happy at the same time.

As summer vacation is drawing to a close & families are gearing up for another school year, this month is actually a perfect time to incorporate learning into your family activities. The main reason being so many activities and fun can take place in the good ol' outdoors amid the wonders of nature.

Congress declared August National Catfish Month in the late 80s to recognize the contributions that the United States catfish industry made to the economy. Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi produce the majority of the nations catfish.
August has been designated as National Eye Exam Month. As the sayings go Eyes Are The Windows to your Soul, they are also the windows to your health.


August is like a holiday to some; perhaps some golf enthusiasts even look forward to it more than granny’s home-made Thanksgiving stuffing. In celebration of this sacred month of golf.

Ah-h-h-h! The peach a classic sign of summer, and August is even National Peach Month! Click the image above for a round-up of facts about one of the world's favorite and oldest cultivated fruits.

August is Romance Awareness Month! Who would have guessed? Take the time out of your busy life to let your loved ones know just how valuable they are to you. Be appreciative of efforts that your spouse or significant other puts into your relationship and try your best to not take your loved ones for granted.

Water is an essential part of life, but poor quality drinking water can be the source of many health-related issues, such as tuberculosis, salmonella and diarrhea. Fortunately, there are ways we can know the quality of our water.

Who doesn't love a picnic?! Picnics are an invitation to get out of the house! Grab a cooler, fill with ice and your favorite drinks. Pack a picnic basket with cheeses, fruits, and don't forget the fried chicken!

Well, that's it, folks! Lots of celebration, lots of choices! Just remember to get outdoors. Follow the motto of catnipoflife (Awakenings sister site): Observe life at its best, listen to life’s songs, embrace life’s bounties, breathe the breath of life and savor life to its fullest!

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