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Saturday, January 23, 2016

♫Nuggets of Music Trivia♫

A few nuggets of music trivia...January 23: Some sad, some funny, some totally ridiculous! To each his (or her) own when it comes to music. That is the perfect explanation for so many different genres of music, musical styles and recording artists. As they say beauty is in eyes of the beholder, music resonates melody within the ears of the listener. It is not 'one for all, all for one' by any means!

- See more at: http://rockhall.com/inductees/ceremonies/1986/#sthash.ViyGbtJN.dpuf

1956 Rock 'n' Roll fans in Cleveland aged under 18 were banned from dancing in public (unless accompanied by an adult), after Ohio Police introduced a law dating back to 1931.

1971 Steel Mill (early Bruce Springsteen band) played their final show when they appeared at the Upstage Club, Asbury Park, New Jersey. Singer Bruce Springsteen formed new bands during the rest of the year known under such names as the Bruce Springsteen Jam, Dr. Zoom and the Sonic Boom, and finally the Bruce Springsteen Band.

1978 Terry Kath, guitarist with Chicago accidentally shot himself dead (with what he believed) was an unloaded gun. Kath's last words were "Don't worry it's not loaded" as he put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. The guitarist and singer was killed instantly. Here is the story on wikipedia...
By 1978, Kath was regularly carrying guns around, and enjoyed playing with them.[34] Around 5 p.m., on January 23, after a party at roadie and band technician Don Johnson's home in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, Kath took an unloaded .38 revolver and put it to his head, pulling the trigger several times on the empty chambers. Johnson had warned Kath several times to be careful. Kath then picked up a semiautomatic 9 mm pistol and, leaning back in a chair, said to Johnson, "Don't worry about it ... look, the clip is not even in it."[30] To satisfy Johnson's concerns, Kath showed the empty magazine to Johnson. Kath then replaced the magazine in the gun, put the gun to his temple, and pulled the trigger. However, there was a round in the chamber, and Kath died instantly.
1991 John Sebastian, owner and general manager of KLSK FM in Albuquerque, New Mexico, played Led Zeppelin's 'Stairway To Heaven' for twenty-four solid hours to inaugurate a format change to Classic Rock. Police showed up with guns drawn: once after a listener reported that the DJ had apparently suffered a heart attack, and later because of suspicion that, this being eight days into the Gulf War, the radio station had been taken hostage by terrorists dispatched by Zeppelin freak Saddam Hussein. 

And to think this is labeled music! Where's the melody?
2001 An English coroner criticized the rap singer Eminem's lyrics as depressing during an inquest into the death of a schoolboy who threw himself in front of a train. The 17-year old boy had printed out the lyrics to Eminem's track 'Rock Bottom' before his death.
 2003 R Kelly was arrested on new child pornography charges. The singer was detained in Miami after police said digital sex pictures were discovered at his home in Florida last June. The singer was already facing 21 charges relating to producing child pornography and appearing in a video having sex with an underage girl. He was charged with a further 12 counts of possession of child pornography.
There are some key things to know about R. Kelly. His first name is Robert, he’s 48 years old, and he’s inarguably the biggest male R&B singer since Marvin Gaye. Probably the most talented and sexually explicit, too. Read MORE about his musical genius and the awful accusations...
True dance is a skillful art. Not sure what label should be applied here!
2005 Former Happy Mondays dancer Bez, won the £50,000 Celebrity Big Brother prize, after gaining 54% of the final viewer vote. The "Madchester" pop legend danced his way to becoming the sixth member of the indie-dance band in the late-1980s after playing maracas with them.
Signs of real maturity...NO!

 Signs of dollar$ & no ¢ense!
2014 Justin Bieber arrested after racing his yellow Lamborghini against another sports car on a Miami Beach street. Police said the singer did not co-operate when pulled over, thus, was also charged with resisting arrest without violence and having an expired driving license. The 19-year-old singer was granted bail set at $2,500 (£1,500). According to cops, the pint-sized pop phenom was hopped up on a combination of pot, anti-depressants and beer while he was behind the wheel. Police said he cursed out his arresting officer with multiple F-bombs. First of all you don't mix drugs with alcohol and second, what is it about the phrase Don't Drink & Drive that Bieber doesn't understand?????
Hey, folks! I only post it. In case you didn't know, now you do! Care to comment?

And the music goes on beating to the rhythm of the changing times...

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