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Friday, February 13, 2015

Are you ready for Valentine's Day?

Winter Break will just have to halt as I come out of hibernation for the biggest romance day of the year: A day when spirits are lifted in both usual and unusual ways. Some stroke the heartstrings so tenderly tears are gently brushed away with a kiss; others are totally mesmerizing striking deep down into the soul. Then, of course, there are those completely unexpected bringing on smiles and laughter along with tears. 

Guess what? Round 2 of the nation's arctic blast is underway as dangerously low temperatures bring chills to the bone along with inches upon inches of snow. All the more reason to snuggle up close in front of a fire with a mug of hot cocoa or your favorite beverage.   

Like all things there is history behind this day known for its everlasting expressions of love. Its roots date back to ancient times. Do you know why we celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th and where the holiday customs come from?  

 Maximize the window in order to read the historical facts. 
It may be necessary to pause periodically since the music 
moves faster than reading capability.

Some say this day is for couples...for lovers to express their sincerest, deepest feelings for one another. Isn't it a day to celebrate love of all ages, whether romantically involved or not? The hearts and minds of children are just as excited on this day as the most romantic of romantics. Valentine's cards, trinkets, candy and small gifts of expression are exchanged amid hugs and smiles of joy.

So, are you ready for Valentine's Day? What thoughts or ideas do you have in mind for this very special day? Chocolates, roses, jewelry, gift basket, stuffed animal for someone special?  Perhaps a surprise getaway, breakfast in bed, champagne brunch? Small, simple Valentine's card for a child or an assortment of cards for a group of children? A visit to a hospital, retirement center or elderly folks home? Hugs and kisses that show you care? Whatever you say or do, just don't forget the Conversation Hearts! Valentine, be mine!

It is not surprising that there are limitless possibilities, especially with the ability to traverse cyberspace over the World Wide Web. Fingers negotiate the keyboard like the hairy legs of the spider spinning its web. BUT, while the e-Valentine may contain the desired message, there is still nothing like that personalized hand-written love note! No comparison!

For whatever reason you will be celebrating Valentine's day, with that one someone special or not, just remember it is a day of love: remembering in ways to show you care.
We can be heroes, just for one day!
Be a hero for someone who simply needs no more than to know you care!

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