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Monday, January 19, 2015

Triple Celebration

Look what's poppin'!                                                              Chowdah

Up for grabs on this day is a triple celebration. Participate in one, two, maybe all three at some point in time during the day. The challenge may be how to celebrate all three at one time. Ready to celebrate?

Gimme the cheese, if you please...

The average American consumes 31 pounds of cheese a year. People have been making cheese for over 8,000 years and there are over 900 known cheeses in the world. Some examples: fresh cheese (ricotta); soft cheese (feta); semi-soft cheese (Fontina); semi-hard cheese (Gouda); hard cheese (Cheddar); double or triple crème cheese (Brillat-Savarin); blue cheese (Gorgonzola); washed rind cheese (Limburger); and bloomy rind cheese (Brie). There should be no problem at all finding a cheese to suit your taste today in celebration of National Cheese Lovers' Day!

Nothing beats the power of cheese!

Next in line, a pal of mine...
Coffee isn't just a drink. It is a feeling...a mood changer, a pick-me-up. Take your much needed coffee break...make that coffee breakS...in the morning and afternoon. Sit back, take a deep breath, relax, breathe in the aroma, sip the dark, rich (or creamy light) liquid slowly, make it last. If you gulp it down too fast, not to worry...this is National Coffee Break DAY!

May the force (coffee, of course) be with you!

Better in a bunch, um-m-m-m, buttercrunch...

Buttercrunch, often referred to as almond buttercrunch, is a crunchy candy usually chocked full of nuts. In 1927, Almond Roca became the first candy in the world to be packed in tins. It was made famous during World War II when the Almond Roca made by Brown and Haley in Tacoma, Washington shipped the candy in tins to U. S. Troops overseas. Enjoy a batch today while celebrating National Buttercrunch Day!

A few recipes for your enjoyment...

Almond Buttercrunch Cake from 1963 (Recipe)
Adapted from a Pilsbury recipe which appeared in the 1963 "Pillsbury Family Cook Book". Unfortunately it was not repeated in later additions It is unusual -- a thin, hot sauce is poured over the batter and it bakes to a delicious crisp topping.

Coffee Buttercrunch Pie (Recipe)
Incorporate cream cheese in the topping and celebrate all 3! Have a slice of pie during coffee break.
Crunchy CoffeeToffee Ice Cream (Recipe)
The toffee in this recipe is buttercrunch!

 Time for Coffee Break wherever you are...

What is the best coffee break food? DOUGHNUTS!
Be sure to have one with cream cheese filling and lots of buttercrunch chips all over the top! Don't forget the coffee to help wash it down...

Is your mouth watering yet?

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