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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ol' Man Winter

From catnipoflife, Awakenings sister site, for something different...

Stories of ancient gods of winter have transformed into the personifications of the season, Ol' Man Winter and Jack Frost. The beginning of January finds most areas of the country experiencing visits from both...Ol' Man Winter knock, knock, knocking at their doors, along with Jack Frost spreading his blanket of white over ground after ground covering sight after sight.
Rows of barren trees
 Stretch along the shoreline
Casting shadowy figures
Amid bold Winter blue

Astronomically winter officially began on Sunday, Dec. 21, 2014. However, some portions of the U.S. have been gripped by an icy chill and snow since November. The br-r-r-r-r cold atmosphere, snow covered driveways and vehicles have made it difficult to look past the bleakness of Winter. Yet, sometimes it takes no more than just a little imagination to turn the colors of grey into something of beauty.

Clumps of snow and ice
Cling to bare branches
Like popcorn balls
Waiting to be salted

There is actually beauty under the Winter sun that can only be encountered in the coldest season of the year. Relish in the Winter spirit...the sights and the sounds. Take in a deep breath. Let the cold, crisp air refresh the lungs during a quiet walk where the only sounds are the crunching of ice crystals underfoot. Listen to the wind-chimes as the North Wind sends a swift brush of cold through the air. Examine every tree, shrub, plant and field as it displays its own uniqueness having been gently touched by nature's paintbrush of downy white.

Through the mystic woods
Filter rays of Winter sun
Spring scenes lie dormant
Beneath a driftness of white

Jack Frost invites you to experience the pristine side of Winter. . .
(Be sure to click the tiny square at the bottom right to watch the video in full screen view.)

What's next? Enjoy the warmth of a cozy fireplace with a steaming hot cup of white chocolate cocoa spiked with a stick of cinnamon or your favorite brew!

[Image Credits: Photos for this post are credited to Garry & Marilyn Armstrong. You are invited to visit both at Serendipity. You will definitely enjoy the visit and be sure to tell them Awakenings & catnip sent you…purr-r-r-r-r-r-r]

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