Welcome to Awakenings!

Sunday, December 7, 2014


When Awakenings was first conceived, the word 'blog' seemed like a word from a foreign language since I had no clue of its meaning. Thus, it began with an incorrect description. Check out my first post HERE... you will get the gist of the confusion. The blog is the stage, the blogger is the person behind the scenes.

Then, came celebration when the site hit 10,000+ visitors!


A few days over one year later the count had risen to ...

 Adrenaline was pumping in anticipation of reaching 100,000 by the end of the year. Then, the day came when it happened...Bye Bye 2013, Welcome 2014!


Today, yet another milestone has been reached! To all followers and friends of Awakenings from around the world...Thank you for your support of Awakenings!

Friday, November 11, 2011 - December 7, 2014


Awakenings Blog Postings

Awakenings from Then ’til Now allows you to Embrace Your Past, Empower the Present, Enrich Your Future. Awakenings sister site catnipoflife invites you to Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life and Savor life to its fullest!


The United States of America

How much do you know about each state of the United States of America? Better still, how much do you know about your home state? Awakenings posts each state by month according to the date it was admitted to the Union. Test how much you know and add to your knowledge bank!


Music Memories

Life without music is life without a soul. Songs are epitomized in the first yawn of the morning to the last kiss goodnight, from the bewitching midnight hour to the breaking light of dawn. Identify with your own special kind of music as you visit music through the centuries.

Each entry ends with the link to the next.

And the music goes on beating to the rhythm of the changing times...

Because of you I continue to write...

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