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Friday, November 14, 2014


Whew! We missed Friday the 13th by one day! Even if it were the 13th, the day would still be Friday. Let's celebrate and increase our knowledge about the TGIF acronym and the weekend.

Ever wonder where this T.G.I.F. ("Thank God It's Friday") catchphrase originated?
Back in the early 1970s, the Akron, Ohio-based disk jockey Jerry Healy from WAKR radio station was the one who first coined that catchphrase. It later became synonymous to working people in the United States as a common expression of relief at the end of the work week and anticipation of relaxing or partying over the weekend!
This brings us to the next question...

While TGIF is a most familiar acronym, has this day always represented the "end" of the work week?
The luxury surrounding the weekend as we know it today has NOT always been the case. The work week designated as Monday through Saturday encompassed work, especially on farms, starting before the sun came up and ending when the last speck of the sun fell below the horizon. In other words, from sunup to sundown. Jobs, 'back in the day' consisted of positions such as the following with some, not all, still being prevalent in the 21st century:
tinker, tailor, grocer, baker, veterinarian, cobbler, weaver, iron worker, brickmaker, potter, doctor, wagon maker, carriage maker, milliner, dressmaker, cook, scullery maid, housemaid, butler, clerk, carpenter, general laborer, barrister, wagon/carriage driver, footman, builder, tin maker, priest, alms house worker, prison guard, constable, tobacconist...anything pre-industrial revolution
Up until the 19th century, the Sabbath was the only day regarded as a “day off” from work. Even on this day, leisure time was not solely of one's choice. This day was a day of fellowship with most of its time spent in church. Most importantly is to consider the time... 
 Before TV, Nineteenth Century
In the early years of the century
The “weekend” positively was born
Saturday afternoons plus Sundays off
Provided relief for the forlorn

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Bustled with music and vibe
Travesty known as burlesque
Primed all senses to come alive

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Candy pull St Nicholas 1882
An occasional “candy-pull
Nut-cracking, corn-popping fun
Imbued family time with mirth
’Til apple-roasting was done

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Buffalo Bill's wild west and congress of rough riders of the world -
Circus poster showing Buffalo Bill's congress of rough riders
and Cuban insurgents in battle. c.1898
Reenactment in Wild West Shows
Captured more than an audience’s ear
Reviving an enduring spirit
Throughout the western frontier

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March 21, 1859 (chartered); July 1, 1874 (opened)
At the peak of the century
Evolved the Philadelphia Zoo
Ten to twenty-five cents admission
Brought exotic animals into view

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Marionette from Tiller family marionette company,
Paper dolls, marionettes, puppets
Tendered fun at any time
Christmas, the heart of the holidays
Pioneered Santa’s first climb

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The Jazz Singer, released October 6, 1927
At the close of the century
American theatre greatly changed
Fads, fashion, and affluence
Launched plays totally rearranged

©2012 Awakenings 

Have a GREAT weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Please note..his name is spelled Healey.
