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Friday, November 21, 2014

Get up & get outside! Ready for a ride?

Within the 21st century has come more time spent indoors, thus, less time outdoors. Jobs demand longer hours with little time left for anything other than responsibilities once home. Then, unfortunately, what time is left may be spent in front of the television because by that time all energies have been expended. Therefore, a continuation of being indoors! How about a change in scenery?

November 22 is...

National Go For a Ride Day

How could you 'ride' this road? Automobile, bus, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, skate board, truck, RV, or you could possibly simply walk it!
The idea is just to get outside...away from the confinement of walls. Get away from it all. Into the fresh air. Under the open skies. Away from the daily stress. Go For A Ride Day encourages you to get out into the world – hop on your bike, into your car, or simply get your walking boots out of storage and go on a hike. Don’t worry too much about where you’re going, just enjoy the ride. The only thing in front of you should be the open road, an open trail, open skies or open water. Yep, an airplane or boat ride would also suffice OR somewhere there is already plenty of snow...

Whereas somewhere else there is balmy weather...

OR you could ride off into the sunset in style...

However you decide to celebrate Go for a Ride Day, make sure it is a celebration of freedom and open spaces!

Next on the Calendar...Feelin' Nutty

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