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Friday, October 17, 2014

Awakenings on Pinterest

Awakenings Blog Postings can be accessed via Pinterest. This is a great location to peruse at your leisure until a special topic, image or event grabs your attention. Perhaps you are interested in a special category. What's happenin? keeps you updated on funny days, weird holidays, foodie fun and celebrations. yum, yum, yum...yummy captures the Foodie Fun for Everyone featured on What's happenin'? Music Memories takes you on a walk down music memory lane. Then, at the heart of Awakenings is The United States of America, which features each state by month according to the date it was admitted to the union. Check each category by clicking its image below...

Something is happening and being celebrated on a daily basis! What's Happenin' keeps you updated on funny days, weird holidays, foodie fun and celebrations. Check out what has been celebrated throughout the year and look forward, plan ahead to what's coming next! As the sands of time spill through the hour glass, one day at a time - moment by moment - memories are made as each new year approaches.

yum, yum, yum . . . yummy!

Anything goes...that is, with chocolate!
Along with What's Happenin' are days of celebration that feature foodie fun with recipes to make your mouth water. On many occasions, Awakenings features yummy recipes to accompany the celebration that are good for the heart, mind, body and soul!

Music Memories

Start HERE...
Across the Universe, life without music is life without a soul. Songs are epitomized in the first yawn of the morning to the last kiss goodnight, from the bewitching midnight hour to the breaking light of dawn. Identify with your own special kind of music as you visit music through the centuries. Hear it. See it. Relive it. Each music memory ends with And the music goes on beating to the rhythm of the changing times... that links to the next memory making your trip down music memory lane easy to navigate.

The United States of America


Ah-h-ha! America the beautiful! How much do you know about each state of the United States of America? Better still, how much do you know about your home state? Awakenings features each state by month according to the date it was admitted to the Union. Test how much you know and add to your knowledge bank!

For all pins/boards, click HERE... 

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