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Monday, October 20, 2014

APPle, AppLE, APPLE-licious!

With the autumn season in full swing, it is impossible to stay away from dem apples! Apple pie - an American Classic, apple tarts, apple dumplings, apple this, apple that, everything APPle, AppLE, APPLE-licious! From celebration of Cherries and Apples in June to Apple Time and the Legend of the Apple in September to National Apple Month & National Applejack Month in October to bobbing apples at Halloween, the apple is center stage. 

October 21 is...
Apple Day


Apple Day is a celebration of apples and orchards mainly observed in the United Kingdom recognizing the wealth and variety of apples available. The day was first started in 1990 by Common Ground in Covent Garden.  The following year it launched nationwide with over 50 events ranging from apple roadshows, grafting classes and village hall markets.  By 2000 the day was celebrated in over 600 events around the country, and abroad! That means it is also celebrated in America. Not surprising since America loves apples: 
The state fruit of New York, Vermont and Washington is the red apple along with the state muffin of New York being the apple muffin, the state beverage of New Hampshire being apple cider and the state pie of Vermont boasting scrumptious apple pie; Minnesota, the Honeycrisp apple; Illinois, the GoldRush Apple; Rhode Island, the greening apple; West Virginia, the Golden Delicious apple, and the state flower of Michigan and Arkansas is the apple blossom. Where there are blossoms, there will surely be apples!

Scientific research supports the ol' adage "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." The health benefits of eating apples are unquestionable. But, here is a new twist on 'an apple' a day. Much like the 'Dried Plums', which have been numbered, now the healthy eating of apples has a number...eat five (5) a day! Of course, that does not mean eat 5 slices of apple pie or indulge in 5 fried apple tarts!

Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fibre and they are low in calories. But only a third of adults eat their five a day, according to the Government. Five turns out to be a number created by the State Nutritionist for California in 1998. [She] looked at the average figure of what people ate and doubled it. Source: MailOnline Health
 Apple Crumble with Custard (Recipe)

 Apple Bake/Apple Crisp (Recipe)

Apple Pancakes (Recipe)

Chicken-Apple Bake with Pumpkin Seeds (Recipe)

Individual Baked Apple Pie Dessert (Recipe)

The only thing left is get to the kitchen! Get to work and bake/fry/saute dem apples in your favorite recipe!

Is your mouth watering yet?

  yum, yum, yum . . . yummy!

Next on the Calendar...Go Nuts for Nuts!

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