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Monday, September 22, 2014

Falling Leaves of Autumn


Get ready! Get set!
Tuesday, September 23
The First Day of Autumn (Autumnal Equinox) 2014

The hours and days of summer relaxation have come to an end. But, the ending of summer signifies changes in seasons and anticipation of crisp, cool mornings, the bursting forth of bright oranges, reds and yellows as leaves intensify in brilliance during their own change. Within this anticipation is yet another eager time of awakening.  The change in color announces the coming of falling leaves.

There is music set to the theme of falling leaves...

There is poetry where the falling leaves represent soldiers on the battlefield...

There are childhood memories surrounding the falling leaves...
With the falling leaves comes the time for the yard rake. While no one probably LIKES to rake leaves, there is the envelopment of a very special atmosphere. As the rake moves back and forth in rhythmic motion, leaves cling to its ‘fingers’ before being deposited in a pile. The pile keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. All the while children laugh and giggle in anticipation of what’s coming next.
 It only takes is a few seconds to say, “Get ready, get set, go!” for each child to jump right smack dab in the middle! As your child becomes acclimated to the change in season, plant the seed of anticipation. If yours is an area of few or no trees, look around for your ‘pile of leaves’ – whatever brings on the smiles, laughter and giggles that will be long remembered and treasured.

Catch the Falling Leaves

If you ask me about Autumn
It is leaves dancing across the ground—
The essence of a former life
Wherever nature’s spirit abounds

It is one last fling before winter’s sleep
Flitting and flaunting vivid hues of gold—
Dramatic, enchanting, ah-h-h breathtaking
Awe-inspiring colors to behold

It is a season of predestined change
In a distinctive way nature acknowledges—
Random yellows, rusty oranges, bold reds
Exciting the soul through emblazon images

It is nature in action
Intensely, magically changing—
Summer’s palette transforming
As leaves gently fall or left dangling

It is multicolored leaves blowing in the wind
Like the wild strumming of a fiddle—
The crux of fun for someone to rack in a pile
Then jump right smack dab in the middle

Run, jump, catch the falling leaves
As they flutter round and round
Stuff them in your pockets
For the child in you is found


“How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.”
—John Burroughs (American Naturalist and Essayist, 1837–1921)

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