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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fall Equinox

It is official...Goodbye, SummerHello, Fall! Today marks the Fall Equinox!

Equinoxes are opposite on either side of the equator, so the autumnal (fall) equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is the spring (vernal) equinox in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa.

The first full day of the fall season is in full swing, so get ready for changing leaves, cooler weather, and all things autumn. Meteorologically speaking, fall began on September 1, but the fall equinox marks the astronomical start of the season.

The term "equinox" refers to the time or date at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, making day and night of equal length. There are two equinoxes each year; on September 22 or 23 and March 20 or 21.

Once the fall equinox begins, daylight in the Northern Hemisphere continues to gradually diminish until the winter solstice. The opposite occurs in the Southern Hemisphere, where daylight continues to grow longer.

Celebrate with some of your favorite fall activities! Go apple picking, get out into nature, or simply get together with friends to enjoy their company. Speaking of getting into nature, make the Falling Leaves of Autumn an exciting time!

“Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.”
William Cullen Bryant

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