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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bacon Me Crazy!

All through life there are always occasions that warrant repeat performances. Today is one of those days! There is just no way around the aroma and flavor of bacon. What doesn't go with bacon?! Revisit Word of the Day: Bacon, which was featured in September, 2013 or check it out if you missed it last year. Part of that post is repeated with new tidbits being added along with some terrific fall recipes for bacon lovers.

Bacon on burgers, BLTs
Gimme that bacon
With eggs, please!

How ‘Bacon and Eggs’ Became the American Breakfast

Bacon & cheese, true allies
Swirled in macaroni
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!


 Bacon, salty with the sweet
Dipped in chocolate
Just can't be beat


Empower the Present...

What is it about bacon that makes it so-o-o-o-o-o-o good? The sound of it cracklin' in the pan? It's tantalizing aroma? Its distinct flavor? ALL of the above! Is bacon a loner simply to be enjoyed in strips or bits? Heavens NO!

There is: bacon ice cream; bacon-infused vodka; deep-fried bacon; chocolate-dipped bacon; bacon-wrapped hot dogs filled with cheese; brioche bread pudding smothered in bacon sauce; hard-boiled eggs coated in mayonnaise encased in bacon — called, appropriately, the 'heart attack snack'; bacon salt; bacon doughnuts, cupcakes and cookies; bacon mints; 'baconnaise', which Jon Stewart described as 'for people who want to get heart disease but are too lazy to actually make bacon'; Wendy's 'Baconnator' — six strips of bacon mounded atop a half-pound cheeseburger — which sold 25 million in its first eight weeks; and the outlandish 'bacon explosion' — a barbecued meat brick composed of 2 pounds of bacon wrapped around 2 pounds of sausage.
— Arun Gupta, The Indypendent

Test your Bacon IQ: 

Bacon Me Crazy: Bacon Quiz

Enrich the Future... 

Who knows what to expect in the future when it comes to bacon. Stores now offer turkey bacon and veggie bacon. The toaster bacon of 1975 already flopped so not much hope of that coming back. Without any doubt, bacon is here to stay, just the way it is served will continue to be different!

Perhaps you have some favorite, unique, totally different ways to serve bacon. Enrich bacon's future by sharing more and more ways of preparing those bacony dishes so folks will always want more and more! Just remember...
What is your favorite bacon dish?

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