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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Just bite it...

There are times when celebrations become repeat performances different from birthdays in that they come again in the same year. Such is the upcoming celebration which is enjoyed mega-multi times over and over throughout the course of not a year, but monthly, maybe even weekly. Can you take a wild guess? Americans eat nearly 50 billion of these a year which translates to three a week for every individual person in the United States.

August 27 is...
Another Burger Day!

 Bite me!

It is 'another' burger day simply because the burger was at the top of the list during the month of May, which is National Hamburger Month. Then, you were encouraged on May 28th to Have it your way! on National Hamburger Day in National Hamburger Month. According to wikipedia May 28th is International Hamburger Day and August 27th is National Burger Day with National Cheeseburger Day yet to come in September. May 28th is also designated as National Burger Day in the UK, which was launched in 2013. 

Why so many burger days? Just bite it...Burger days are nothing more than a never-ending quest to find the BEST of the BEST burgers! Enjoy!


 31 Burger Recipes


Hamburger Trivia: Everything You Ever Needed To Know

During the month of May is celebration of Memorial Day, which always has at the top of its menu hamburgers...not just for the day but the whole weekend! In 2013, Memorial Day fell on May 27th with National Hamburger Day being the following Day, May 28th. The Huffington Post featured The Only Hamburger Recipe You'll Ever Need. Click the link or the image below.


What are your thoughts? Do you think this is the only hamburger recipe you'll ever need?

Is your mouth watering yet?

  yum, yum, yum . . . yummy!


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