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Thursday, August 14, 2014

How do you relax?

What is your favorite form of relaxation? Walking barefoot in the park wiggling your toes in dew-dappled grass? Watching a sunset while enjoying a glass of wine, alone or perhaps with a loved one? Getting a manicure or pedicure, maybe both? A day at the beach? What about a massage while listening to soothing music set against a backdrop of a waterfall? Any of the above, none of the above. Endless possibilities. Get yourself in serious thought mode. Write it down. Maybe even make a list since a whole day for relaxation has been set aside.

August 15 is...

National Relaxation Day

We all live in such a fast-paced world that it is easy for life to become very stressful and overwhelming at times. Pressure, anxiety, tension are constant companions so get away from all the stress! That's right. Leave it behind. Take a step back and slow down the pace. If not for the day, go for an hour. Kick back, breathe deeply, take the next few moments (as many as you can), grab a lounge chair and...

Relaxation Day is all about winding down and just taking it easy. If you’re lucky enough to have the day off work, enjoy a quiet morning watching TV from the sofa, and perhaps consider some light gardening in the afternoon – all in the spirit of relaxing!

Have a FABULOUS day!

Seek out some shade - possibly in a nice hammock!



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