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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama

Life is filled with comic moments that make us burst out, bend over double with laughter while other times overflow with drama that brings on the tears. Which do you prefer, comedy or drama?
Comedy - a good belly laugh is the best remedy for a bad day.

Drama - I like to feel emotionally charged and weepy.
For the rest of today, Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama! Let it go, all hang out, footloose and fancy free. Smile at the little things, laugh when you want to cry.

July 8 is SCUD Day!

Drama Queens & Kings, forget the melodramatic, no one wants to hear it today! Be lighthearted and cheerful, dial into the lighter side of life, let life tickle your funny bone, enjoy the absurdity every step of the day!  Someone trying to zap your energy, bring you down? Pick him or her up instead! Take that someone by the hand and skip across the room expressing the only thoughts allowed at the time are happy thoughts.  
Drama OUT! Laughter IN!

 Laugh and someone will surely laugh with you! Bring it on!
After all, who couldn't use more laughter in his or her life?

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