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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Countdown: 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

Continuing this year's countdown to the 4th of July, the theme for today: Music. All celebrations need music and of course, a plethora of songs can be found most befitting to this holiday. But, one stands out over all the rest. . .one with a story--a story of a battle fought, a battle won--one that has become a national symbol evoking powerful emotions and what it means to be an American.

Let's continue this year's Countdown:
2 - Remember Our Troops
1 - Happy Independence Day


Play it loudly!

Next time you hear the Star-Spangled Banner, listen to its words with vision...
On a rainy September 13, 1814, British warships sent a downpour of shells and rockets onto Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor, relentlessly pounding the American fort for 25 hours. The bombardment, known as the Battle of Baltimore, came only weeks after the British had attacked Washington, D.C., burning the Capitol, the Treasury and the President's house. It was another chapter in the ongoing War of 1812. [Source: Smithsonian.com]

Star-Spangled Banner and the War of 1812

It was during this time of war (1812-1815) that Francis Scott Key penned the words to the Star-Spangled Banner. There is an extreme amount of emotion involved in fully understanding the era before the battle, the defense of Fort McHenry, the poem, the tune, as well as the poem and tune becoming our anthem.

As stated within the Story of the Star-spangled Banner, if anything should be taken as seriously as the American flag, it would be the national anthem. Written during a time of war, it commemorates the waving of our flag following a vicious bombardment of Fort McHenry.

Here are two renditions that will knock your socks off! Remember to listen with vision...


Star Spangled Banner- Music video from AmericaTheBeautiful.com

The Star Spangled Banner (our National Anthem) is one of America's most cherished Patriotic Music selections. Visit AmericaTheBeautiful.com to inspire students and use this valuable DVD tool to assist in promoting Patriotism in America.

Freedom Rings!

The voice of America resounded in jubilation
after the signing of the Declaration of Independence!
Liberty continues to herald freedom in honor of all who have sacrificed,
are sacrificing today, and
will sacrifice in the future for America.


What is it about our flag
Old Glory, red, white, and blue
That symbolizes freedom
In a country, tried and true?

From then…

It was July fourth when democracy was born
America became the land of the free
Battles won solidified the home of the brave


Thousands of lives, both young and old
Will long be remembered and revered
As they lie silent in the grave


But silence is not what was heard
Throughout this nation and the world
It was a bell chiming that roared


The lasting rights and freedoms
Valued by people the world over
Throughout America soared

‘Til now…

For us, gratitude resounds with tremendous joy
Family and friends gather around
Paying homage to all who sacrificed and died


From the shores of Normandy
To America’s Liberty Bell Center
Freedom rings with immense pride

Let us never forget…

Each year as flag after flag is raised and praised
Oh say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and home of the brave
“People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward 
to their ancestors.” —Edmund Burke (1729–1797)

Do you like to celebrate with a cocktail?
Start the fireworks early...


yum, yum, yum . . . yummy!


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