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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Countdown: 2 - 1

One day away from the Fourth of July celebration! Yep! It is tomorrow! As you continue to prepare for the festivities of Independence Day, keep in mind many of our service men and women are stationed on foreign shores where celebration may not be the topic of the hour. They are the defenders of our nation ensuring that the freedom obtained centuries ago remains in tact. Remember them...never forget!

The countdown continues...
2 - Remember Our Troops
1 - Happy Independence Day

Remember our Troops:

FOUGHT/FIGHTS for her Freedom!



Having a loved one deployed for lengthy periods of time is tough, but it's especially hard during any holiday. While you might be reveling in backyard BBQs, listening to patriotic music and of course, enjoying the grand finale, fireworks, the day may not be so entertaining for everyone. For those defending our independence, the red, white and blue they carry on this day may only be in their hearts.

 "For Freedom" by Avalon

What's next on the menu?

A 4th of July celebration is just not the 4th of July without...

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