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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Wonders of Nature

From dewdrops clinging to soft petals of a flower
to a spider spinning its web within the hour
nature's wondrous beauty whether stormy or calm 
emanates poetry in motion like a psalm

There is nothing more breathtaking than a sunrise
unless it's the splendor of a sunset's surprise
 the wonders of nature beyond imagination
capture priceless moments in anticipation

The roaring sounds a waterfall creates
draws attention for a magical place awaits
Mother Nature always alluring, never boring
invites you into her world, forever soaring

Wildlife, hummingbirds, butterflies and bees
creatures of all kinds bring you to your knees
nature's habitats from forest floor to the skies
woo, amaze and ablaze before your eyes

Birds of all feathers flock together
withstanding ice, snow, stormy weather
Nature! Nature! at its worst or best
Shouts raw imagery...a camera's test

Get the picture? That's the idea since...

June 15 is...
Nature Photography Day

Impromptu @ catnipoflife

Nature Photography Day was created by The North American Nature Photography Association in 2006. Its objective centered on promoting the beauty of nature photography and to encourage the conservation and protection of plants, wildlife, and landscapes locally and worldwide. Since then, people throughout the world have discovered numerous ways to observe and enjoy the day.

Nature is so fascinating with occurrences that truly test the imagination. The best are the missed 'Kodak moments' that always happen when no camera is anywhere nearby. Suggestion: Always keep a camera on hand, even if it is your cell phone!

Open the door. Head out into your backyard, local park, or favorite scenic spot right now! There is something going on right now you do NOT want to miss. Nature does not always give you a second chance at the same picture. Enjoy the day with your camera and explore the natural world.

See what I mean...

Canal Dreamscapes1 @ Serendipity

Canal Dreamscapes2 @ Serendipity

 Fluffy Ducklings @ A Mixed Bag

 Reflection 'n' Action @ A Mixed Bag

On the Rocks @ Life in the Foothills

 A Web in the Morning Dew @ Life in the Foothills

 Thankful for the Morning @ Oh, The Things We Shall See!

 Before THE Moment @ Oh, The Things We Shall See!

Sunsmile in the Cold @ sharing me myself and i

What the Hail is This? @ sharing me myself and i

 Even Weeds are Amazing @ Ute smile

A Walk in the Park @ @ Ute smile

What are you waiting for? Nature is calling...calling for you! Don't forget your camera! 



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