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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cherries & Apples

Let's Embrace the Music Memories of 'Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White' but in a different context. In fact, let's change the words a bit in celebration of foodie fun for everyone because...

June 17 is...

Cherry Tart Day AND Apple Strudel Day

It's Cherry Tart and Apple Strudel Day
When a sweet craving comes your way
It's Cherry Tart and Apple Strudel Day
The foodies say

National Cherry Tart Day - Scrumptious Sham?
National Cherry Tart Day is thought to be a lead-in to the annual National Cherry Festival held during July in the state of Michigan, USA, where most sour (tart) cherries are grown. Traverse City, Michigan claims to be the "Cherry Capital of the World", hosting the festival, tucking the cherry flavor into everything imaginably possible and making the world's largest cherry pie. 

Pie vs. Tart: What's the Difference?

Pies and tarts actually have more differences than similarities. Similarly both tarts and pies comprise a pastry crust with a filling that can be sweet or savory. The basic differences are in the crusts. A pie can have a full top crust, a lattice, or be open-faced. A tart has only a bottom crust. Flans and quiches are also tarts; and would you believe a cheesecake is a cheese-custard tart! Hey, with that last thought in mind, why not enjoy a Creamy, Tangy & Sweet Cherry Cheesecake?

However you decide to celebrate just delight your taste buds!

National Apple Strudel Day celebrates a dessert whose oldest known recipe, Apfelstrudel, is from Austria. It was handwritten in 1696! Old fashioned strudel has been reported to be somewhat difficult to make. However, there are some relatively easy recipes that are simply delicious. Either way the kitchen will be filled with the aroma of freshly baked apples, cinnamon and rich layers of pastry.

Whether you try the old fashioned or simple recipe, enjoy a generous portion dusted with powdered sugar and a dollop of rich, thick whipped cream. Comfort food at its finest!

Recipes of the Day...

What better cherry partner than chocolate?

Budget101.com offers the apple strudel recipe that is fairly easy to make!

 Is your mouth watering yet?

yum, yum, yum . . . yummy!

Next on the Calendar: Splash of Soda!

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