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Friday, May 23, 2014

South Carolina: The Shag & Shad Roe

This Day in History: May 23, 1788 

Sabal palmetto trees - photo © Kahlil on Flickr;
noncommercial use permitted with attribution / share alike
The official nickname for South Carolina is The Palmetto State, which refers to the state tree (the sabal palmetto). Commonly called the cabbage palmetto, the sabal palmetto (Inodes Palmetto) was added to the "National" flag of South Carolina after it seceded from the Union in 1861. A palmetto remains on the present-day state flag, a sabal palm appears on the South Carolina state seal, and is even mentioned in the salute to the flag of South Carolina ("I salute the flag of South Carolina and pledge to the Palmetto State love, loyalty and faith"). The state motto of South Carolina is "Dum Spiro Spero", which means -

What does the name South Carolina mean? Carolina is from the Latin word for Charles (Carolus) named by King Charles II of England (who made the original land grant in 1629) in honor of his father Charles I. South Carolina was formed in 1729, when the Carolina colony was divided in two. The province of South Carolina was one of the thirteen original colonies. South Carolina was the first state to ratify the Articles of Confederation, and the 8th state to ratify the US Constitution on May 23, 1788. South Carolina later became the first state to vote to secede from the Union which it did on December 20, 1860. It was readmitted to the United States on June 25, 1868.
[The thirteen colonies were: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations]

South Carolina is located in the southeastern United States.
South Carolina State Flag

The state flag of South Carolina design features the sabal palmetto
and a crescent moon on a blue background. Crescents were a component
of a banner carried by South Carolina protesters of the Stamp Act in 1776.
South Carolina State Seal

White-Tailed Deer - South Carolina State Animal

An animal of incredible beauty and power,
white-tailed deer are able to run up to 40 miles per hour,
jump 9 foot fences, and swim 13 miles per hour.


Carolina State Bird: Carolina Wren

Carolina Jessamine; photo by John 'K' on Flickr
(noncommercial use permitted with attribution/
no derivative works)
 For all State Symbols of South Carolina click HERE!

What about the shag and shad roe? Where do they fit in the scheme of things in South Carolina?

Dance your heart away: SHAG!


South Carolina designated the shag as the official state dance in 1984. The Shag is a type of swing dance that developed during the 1930's and 40's combining nimble footwork with upbeat rhythm and blues (known as beach music, which is recognized separately as a symbol of South Carolina).

Shagging originated at open-air beach parties on the North and South Carolina coasts (North Carolina also recognized the shag as a state symbol in 2005). South Carolina also adopted an official state folk dance (the square dance).

A step back in time. . . 

Shad Roe
With the war escalating across the sea, guns were silent on the American shores and landscapes remained picturesque. Leisure times existed as factory whistles blew sending its workers home to rest at the end of a fast-paced day. 

Ever fished for Atlantic shad?
The best are filled with ruby red roe
Caught along the Low country
In black water of the Edisto
It’s June with plush sights
Along an horizon of vast green-on-green
Willow, bald cypress
Water tupelo and alligator weed
Canopies formed by moss-draped oaks
Filter sunlight in fragile, lacy patterns
Sheltering the native foliage
As though cosseted by far-away Saturn
After an intense day’s labor
With the sun slowly getting low
Granddad rigged the horse and carriage
Then off to the river he’d go
Tell-tale flipping on top of the water
And only a skinny minute later
A circular toss of the throw net
Netted thirty shad, not an alligator
The shad roe scrambled with fresh eggs
Was always the biggest of hits
Served with hush puppies, black-eyed peas
Rice and, of course, rich creamy grits

Yum-m-m-m, Yum-m-m-m!


©2013 Awakenings
Sharla Lee Shults

Try the Shad Roe Breakfast
 with Fried Eggs or Make an Omelet

South Carolina Facts and Trivia

Next state by month: 

#13 Rhode Island, May 29, 1790 and
#30 Wisconsin, May 29, 1848

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