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Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day

Today is May 1st and is officially...

May Day

May Day has been celebrated for many centuries, and its origins date back to pre-Christian times. Today, May Day is celebrated throughout Europe and North America and is often recognized as a public holiday.

Traditional May Day activities include dancing around the maypole and the selection of the Queen of May/May Queen. A crowning will also take place of the Queen of May.

Morris dancing is another May Day tradition, and offers the perfect excuse to dress up in full Morris dancing gear. A sturdy stick will also be required, as Morris dancers striking each other’s sticks is just one aspect of this eccentric British tradition.

Though not so popular these days is the May Day basket tradition of leaving a gift basket on someone’s doorstep or hanging on the doorknob. This tradition has waned through the years but seems like a wonderful opportunity to surprise someone and make their day with a gift.
We would hang the baskets on the doorknobs of neighborsespecially old people—ring the door bell, then run away with great hilarity and peek out as the elderly person found the little bouquets on their door."
Source: A Rolling Crone
Embrace the Past...

There is a lot of history behind May Day. At the heart of Awakenings are historical accounts that embrace the past, empower the present and enrich the future. Last year Awakenings featured an article by author Micki Peluso. 

Click the image below and learn the origin of the month of May, events surrounding celebrations of May Day, ritualistic and symbolic fetes of olden days, when May Day celebrations flourished and the magical rites of May Day.



Even sing along with The Merry, Merry Month of May!


Or enjoy the poem written in 1609...


The Merry Month of May (poem)


Maybe even another song...



Happy May Day!

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