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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Leave it to the birds!

As tribute to our fine feathered friends, celebrations are named in their honor. People love birds. Bird watching is a favorite pastime of millions of people all over the world. It is the most popular of hobbies being enjoyed by anyone regardless of age. With this popularity, it comes as no surprise that there is more than one day established to recognize and appreciate birds.
Today is...

Bird Day


The enjoyment of birds is even more prevalent in the springtime. Their bright colors, distinct songs and calls, diverse plumage, and showy displays as aerial acrobats add so much enjoyment to our lives. Birds have even been known to provide Inspiration: Solitude. They spread seeds from one location to another helping in plant dispersal, transport pollen on their beaks and feathers from one flower to the next,
relocate fish eggs that get stuck to their legs, and so much more necessary in maintaining balance to our environment.

Today in History: May 4
Bird Day is the oldest of the days set aside to recognize birds. According to the U.S. Library of Congress, Bird Day was first observed  on May 4, 1894. It was started by Charles Almanzo Babcock, superintendent of schools in Oil City, Pennsylvania. By 1910, Bird Day was widely celebrated, often in conjunction with Arbor Day. Bird Day and Arbor Day events are focused upon conservation training and awareness. [This day is not to be confused with National Bird Day celebrated on January 5th. It
was established by bird activists. It calls upon people to recognize the plight of captive birds. It also draws attention to exploitation of birds in the U.S. pet industry. On this day, organizers suggest we reflect upon the conditions of birds held in captivity.]

Coming soon...May 10

Scarlet Tanager, one of 350 species celebrated
during International Migratory Bird Day May 11, 2013
International Migratory Bird Day celebrates the incredible journey that migratory birds take each year. They travel thousands of miles between breeding grounds in North America, and their winter homes in Central and South America. Organizers say this is a day to both support, and to increase awareness of conservation efforts in support of migratory birds. They also suggest a field trip into a woods to look for and enjoy migrating birds.

On each of these Bird Days, take a few minutes to watch and observe birds.  Set up a bird feeder, several bird houses and enjoy the show!

Some of the birds who frequent my own backyard include...

Blue Bird
Brown Thrasher
Blue Jay

Red-Winged Blackbird

Red Headed Woodpecker

What kind of little birdies do you see on a daily basis?


NEXT on the Calendar: Pearl of a Day


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