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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Have it your way!

Remember Burger King's advertising jingle of the 70s? Hold the pickle, hold the lettuce. Special orders don't upset us. All we ask is that you let us serve it your way! The whole idea behind this campaign was the ability to order a burger with and/or without certain condiments.

Of course, you don't have to visit a Burger King in order to have it your way. A better alternative is not a fast-food restaurant at all. Fixing hamburgers at home is the perfect manner in which to have it your way and today is the day to do it.

Today is...

National Hamburger Day in National Hamburger Month


Are you in the moo-o-o-o-od for a burger? Get ready! Restaurants all over America will be serving up some beefy deals should you decide not to prepare your own. The ultimate burger is ultimately up to you. Why not even try some newfangled idea for a change. For instance, burgers aren't limited to the bovine varietyturkey, chicken, shrimp, crab and veggies all make great burgers. Experiment with different types of bread and whip up your own homemade mayonnaise

A bit of hamburger history...
A soft, toasted bun… crisp, cool lettuce… sweet, vine-ripened tomatoes… and in the middle of it all, a juicy seasoned beef patty. Widely hailed as “America’s favorite food,” the history of the hamburger is filled with mythology. Many folks have claimed they were the first to place a ground beef patty between two slices of white bread. Who wouldn’t want to be responsible for inventing such a beloved American treat? Sadly, we don’t know who the true burger originator is. However, we do know a lot about how this classic sandwich gained a foothold in America, where billions are eaten each and every year. Read MORE...
Who is the biggest burger lover ever?

 J. Wellington Wimpy AKA Wimpy The Moocher
"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today!"
—Wimpy's Catch Phrase

Burger of the Day...

Remember, the whole idea is to have it your way so check out the links for a few ideas. Then, modify to make it your own...Enjoy!

 Is your mouth watering yet?

yum, yum, yum . . . yummy!




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