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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Honor the True Meaning of Memorial Day!

'Happy' routinely appears preceding the words Memorial Day. There is absolutely no way around it. We are happy to live in America. We happily enjoy all the freedoms America has to offer. Joyous are we getting prepared for time with family and friends: walking the beach, swimming, picnicking, bar-be-queuingfood, fun, fellowship!

Such happiness has come at an immense sacrifice. If you proudly fly the American flag at your home, be sure it is flown half mast tomorrow from sunrise 'til midday. If you have a family member or loved one who died as a result of serving our country, place a flag at the grave site. Wherever you go, whatever you do on Memorial Day, proudly carry and/or wave the American flag remembering those that are no longer with us, that is, among the land of the livingtheir spirit will always be with us in our hearts!

While this may be a time for beach blasts, barbeque cookoutshot dogs with all the trimmings, hamburgers and fries, and scrumptious apple pie, it is more importantly a time of remembering. . .

The Fallen Soldiers


Like the bald eagle
Forever Watchful were we
Guiding, protecting
The land of the free
'Twas our place
To be brave, stay strong
Ready and willing
All the day long
Our eyes were keen
Often focused on pain
The fields were bloody
Amid storms and rain
Bodies of comrades
Strewn there and about
Never for a moment
Left room for any doubt
On home or foreign shores
Know ardently that we
Who gave up our lives
'Twas for country and thee


©2013 Awakenings
Sharla Lee Shults

For each soldier who has fallen, there is someone at home mourning!

 Happy Memorial Day 2014 Pictures Images Photos Pics




Celebrate by honoring the True Meaning of Memorial Day!

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