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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Water the Mind: READ!

April 23rd is...

World Book Night

Travel anywhere you like through the world of reading. Visit places you have often dreamed about, fall in love with Prince Charming, solve a mystery! Whether you prefer a historical fiction, flash fiction, romance, horror, mystery, suspense, fantasy, magical legend, poetry, Christian, creative non-fiction, autobiography, biography, realistic fiction, science fiction, humor, classic, children's books, education, the genre really doesn't matter just grab that book, give one to a friend or total stranger with encouragement to Water the Mind: READ!

For the love of reading...
World Book Night is about celebrating the love of reading. Nothing quite matches the enjoyment that comes from losing oneself in a good book. But, with so many people having lost the habit of reading for pleasure, this event provides an opportunity for book lovers to SHARE WITH OTHERS the enjoyment literature provides.

World Book Night is celebrated with community events promoting reading and literacy. But it is at a personal level that this day really comes into its own; people who like books are encouraged to try to involve those around them.

Taking part couldn’t be simpler: think of a friend, family member or work colleague that you know does not read regularly and then give them the gift of a book. Visit your local library with a book donation. It doesn’t matter whether the book is new or second-hand, it just needs to be a book you have enjoyed or one you think someone else will like.

Looking for something to read yourself? Visit The Write Room Blog! Read 'em, weep and pass 'em on!

Learn how to be a World Book Night giver and plan for 2015!

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