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Thursday, April 10, 2014

For the Love of Animals

This Day in History: April 10, 1866

They breathe. They have a heart. They have a soul. They know hunger. They feel pain. They love and know when they are loved. They do have a voice, just not of words. These are our animals. Some provide us with milk, eggs & meat for food, others offer wool & furs for warmth, many give us entertainment. All provide moments of joy. Those we are closest to become our pets...we pamper and adore. But, all are not so lucky...
Within our society live humans who indulge, not in actions of love, but obtain pleasure in inflicting needless cruelty. Animals are starved and beaten with no remorse. Some survive remaining maimed for life. Too many die.
What does all of this have to do with this day in history?
1866 – The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or ASPCA, is founded

Read More: This Day in History for April 10 – ASPCA Founded and More - TSM Interactive | http://tsminteractive.com/this-day-in-history-for-april-10-aspca-founded-and-more/?trackback=tsmclip

Al Barry, Getty Images
On April 10, 1866, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or ASPCA, is founded in New York City. It is the oldest animal welfare organization in the United States. Founded by Henry Bergh, the ASPCA became the first humane organization in the Western Hemisphere. Some of the first issues addressed were cockfighting and the horrors of slaughterhouses

In 1867, ASPCA operated its first ambulance for injured horses and advocated alternatives for inhumane actions toward animals such as horses, live pigeons, cats and dogs. By the time of Henry Bergh's death in 1888, 37 out of the 38 states in the union had enacted anti-cruelty laws that were enforced by the ASPCA. Early goals of ASPCA focused on efforts for horses and livestock, since at the time they were used for a number of activities. Starting at the turn of the 20th century, small domestic animals, like cats and dogs, became the focus for members of ASPCA. [Source: en.wikipedia.org]


I want to live!

Please don't hurt us, we won't hurt you!

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