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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April is...

National Poetry Month

 In celebration, let's begin with a familiar, very old rhyme...

April Showers Bring May Flowers! 

April showers bring May flowers,
That is what they say.
But if all the showers turned to flowers,
We’d have quite a colourful day!

There’d be bluebells and cockleshells,
Tulips red and green,
Daffodils and Chinese squill,
The brightest you’ve ever seen.

You’d see tiger lilies and water lilies,
Carnations pink and blue,
Forget-me-not and small sundrop
Glistening with the dew.

We’d have fireweed and milkweed
And many more different flowers.
Mexican star and shooting star,
Falling in the showers.

And if all the showers turned to flowers
On that rainy April day,
Would all the flowers turn to showers
In the sunny month of May?

The title and beginning line probably are familiar because you grew up hearing it or were taught it by your parents or teachers. It IS springtime, the time for renewal and life bursting forth in splendid color. Without the rain, the flowers would not be in such abundance. So, there is science behind the rhyme and good reason for showers being in the forefront of the month of April. But, what about April being National Poetry Month?
In coordination with poets, booksellers, librarians, and teachers, the Academy of American Poets chose a month when poetry could be celebrated with the highest level of participation. Inspired by the successful celebrations of Black History Month (February) and Women's History Month (March), and on the advice of teachers and librarians, April seemed the best time within the year to turn attention toward the art of poetry—in an ultimate effort to encourage poetry readership year-round.
Source: Poets.org
What else is being celebrated this month?

National Humor Month was founded in 1976 by best-selling humorist Larry Wilde, Director of The Carmel Institute of Humor. It is designed to heighten public awareness on how the joy and therapeutic value of laughter can improve health, boost morale, increase communication skills and enrich the quality of one's life. 

Using humor to relieve stress is simple -- the benefits are simply wonderful. There is nothing more beautiful than a smile nor anything more heart warming than laughter! So,

And, that is not all...definitely not last and not at all least, it's time to...


Keep America Beautiful is a U.S. based nonprofit organization founded in 1953. It is the largest community improvement organization in the United States, with approximately 589 affiliate organizations (similar to local chapters) and more than 1,000 community organizations that participate in their programs.

Keep America Beautiful focuses on three key issues: litter prevention, waste reduction/recycling and community greening & beautification. This is accomplished through a combination of community organizing, public education and the fostering of public/private partnerships.
Source: Keep America Beautiful


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