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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Chocolate Strikes Again!

March 6 is...

White Chocolate Cheesecake Day

Cheesecake. Just saying the word makes one's mouth water. What can make cheesecake even better? Adding a chocolate crust? Drizzling it with chocolate? Making the whole thing from chocolate, of course! There’s no better dish to dedicate a day for celebration – especially since it involves eating it. Whoever decided to start White Chocolate Cheesecake Day must have been a big fan of this tasty dessert. Then, who isn't?
While you might expect cheesecake recipes to have originated in the 20th Century, you’d be wrong. A form of cheesecake actually dates back to the Ancient Greeks and seems to have been on offer at the first Olympic Games in 776 BC! A Greek writer named Athenaeus recorded the oldest surviving cheesecake recipe. The ancient dessert called for just three ingredients—cheese, honey, and flour. The recipe spread from there and has been refined along the way, especially with the use of cream cheese rather than the flour, honey and cheese ingredients of the earliest version.
There are hundreds of variations of White Chocolate Cheesecake recipes, so you’ll be sure to find the perfect dessert. Alternatively, celebrate the day by making up your own version!

Is your mouth watering yet? Get to work and get it made! Call some friends over and celebrate together!

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