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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

An Offbeat Holiday

March 5 is...the offbeat holiday of

With this month being National Irish-American Month, beginning of Mardi Gras, and celebration of St. Patrick's Day, there will be a lot of merriment among the celebrations. Often for some, too much merriment! Thus, the reason for today's celebration, which is actually a beginning preparation since this month is inundated with hangover-inducing holidays. By normal standards and measures, March could have been named "Train Your Liver Month!"

How/when/where did this whack-o of a day gets its start? 

Cinco de Marcho officially began in 2007 at a Mexican bar in Tucker, Ga., called El Matador, according to the event's creator, a neuromuscular therapist who calls himself "Carlos Fantastico" ("It's a variation of the Mexican title of 'Night Rider': 'Caro Fantastico,'" he explained).
As a result of this party-hardy group committed to minimizing the stomach-churning day-after-St.-Paddy's-Day blahs, Americans are urged to participate in a 12-day bender beginning Monday, March 5, called "Cinco de Marcho."
"It's not about excess drinking," Fantastico insisted. "It's about drinking until you know your limits."
It's also a tribute to the great American tradition of twisting and subverting traditional holidays from elsewhere. That's why "Cinco de Marcho" participants are encouraged to haphazardly mix and match Irish and Mexican clothes and colors, hence the preponderance of green sombreros with
Here's a thought...

Margaritas are green (like St. Patty’s Day) and they are Mexican. A perfect compliment to this funny little idea. Top of the mornin' to ya'! OOPS! May be a bit early...

My Favorite Margarita


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